English Language

LIC AAO/SBI PO Prelims English Preparation Questions 2019 (Day-20)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of English Questions for LIC AAO/SBI PO 2019 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

[WpProQuiz 5875]

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Direction (1-10): In each of the following questions five words are given in which four of them have a similar meaning and one word is the antonym for the other four words. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other four, as your answer.


a) Calm

b) Clarify

c) Explain

d) Enlighten

e) Astound


a) Sympathy

b) Admiration

c) Antipathy

d) Kindness

e) Friendliness


a) Abate

b) Curtail

c) Decline

d) Ebb

e) Develop


a) Commend

b) Sanction

c) Approve

d) Disparage

e) Endorse


a) Committed

b) Pledged

c) Bound

d) Tied

e) Freewheeling


a) Presume

b) Establish

c) Validate

d) Determine

e) Substantiate


a) Naive

b) Ignorant

c) Unaware

d) Savvy

e) Obtuse


a) Bleak

b) Grim

c) Sharp

d) Strident

e) Bland


a) Empty

b) Needing

c) Lacking

d) Wanting

e) Teeming


a) Neglect

b) Forget

c) Scrutinize

d) Ignore

e) Overlook

Answers :

Direction (1-10) :

1) Answer:  e)

‘Astound’ is the antonym here and it means to make a strong impression on a person with something unexpected.

2) Answer:  c)

‘Antipathy’ is the antonym here and it means a deep-seated ill will.

3) Answer:  e)

‘Develop’ is the antonym here.

4) Answer:  d)

‘Disparage’ is the antonym here and it means to express scornfully one’s low opinion of.

5) Answer:  e)

‘Freewheeling’ is the antonym here and it means not held back by rules, duties, or worries.

6) Answer:  a)

‘Presume’ is the antonym here and it means to form an opinion from little or no evidence.

7) Answer:  d)

‘Savvy’ is the antonym here and it means knowledge gained by actually doing or living through something.

8) Answer:  e)

‘Bland’ is the antonym here and it means mild.

9) Answer:  e)

‘Teeming’ is the antonym here and it means possessing or covered with great numbers or amounts of something specified.

10) Answer:  c)

‘Scrutinize’ is the antonym here and it means to look over closely (as for judging quality or condition).

This post was last modified on April 15, 2019 6:14 pm