Guidelines to be Followed Before Taking IBPS PO Exam

Guidelines for IBPS PO Exam

As we all know, IBPS is a respected and a prestigious independent organization which promotes quality assessments on terms of personnel selection. Before entering the world of IBPS, you should be able to pass their comprehensive exams. There are certain guidelines you should follow before taking the exam like IBPS PO exam dress code, what materials needed on the exam day and important documents.

What to bring on IBPS PO exam

Just like a typical examination, there are special instructions to be followed. There are set of important instructions to be followed as part of preparation on the examination proper. Here are the important documents you should bring on the examination hall:

  1. Call letter attached with a recent passport size picture. The picture should match the picture uploaded on your online application form.
  2. Proof of identity and a photocopy of it. You can use Passport, PAN Card, Driver’s license, Voter Identification or other valid identification card which bears a photo of you. Ration Card and E-adhar Card are not accepted.
  3. A ball point pen. Ballpens are used when you need to calculate on the extra sheets provided.

Additional pointers to remember

Before going to the examination venue, recheck your roll number including your date of examination, time and venue. You should ensure that all details are correct and come to the said location ahead of call time. Once you arrived the said location, present your call letter together with your proof of identity to the assisting staff in the examination venue. Make sure you will follow the administrator in charge or else it may cause disqualification.

Inside the examination venue, you should be not bringing books, notes, calculators, mobile phones, footnotes, written handouts and other things that may cause cheating. Once you’re caught in the act giving or copying on the other candidates, you will be automatically disqualified. You’re not allowed to leave your designated seat if you’re not asked to.

If there will be problems arise during the examination by the administering officer, the exam will be rescheduled as necessary. Once the administrator gave you the signal to start,  start reading your test questions. If you’re in doubt in a specific number, you can skip it and get back to it if there is still time.

What to wear during the examination

As much as possible, avoid Mehndi before taking the exam. Mehndi may arise problems on your biometrics and identity. Avoid wearing full sleeves and large buttons polo. You should be wearing light colors and try not to wear belts. Avoid wearing shoes, wear slippers or sandals instead. Don’t wear watches or ballers. Avoid too much accessories and try to bring exact amount on your wallets. Try to be simple to avoid disturbances.

Submission of examination

Once you submitted or clicked the “submit” button, you cannot change or revised your examination. Your answers will automatically reflect on the system database. In addition to this, you cannot revise your examination once you run out of time. You should every minute of the time frame given.


To avoid hassle and disqualification, you should follow each rules implemented like IBPS PO exam dress code, pre and post instructions while at the examination proper.

This post was last modified on September 13, 2018 5:57 pm