Quantitative Aptitude Questions – DI & Application Problems

Practice Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI PO Prelims& NIACL 2017 (Data Interpretation& Application Problems):

Dear Readers, Important Practice Aptitude Questions for Upcoming Exams was given here with Solutions. Aspirants those who are preparing for the Bank Examination and other Competitive Examination can use this.

Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the table and answer the given questions.
No. of persons who visited different Museums on different days


1). The number of visitors in Museum P increased by 5% from Friday to Saturday and that in Museum Q decreased by 40% from Friday to Saturday. What was the total number of visitors in Museums P and Q together on Saturday?
a) 194
b) 188
c) 198
d) 204
e) 186
2). The number of visitors in Museum N decreased by what per cent from Monday to Thursday?
a) 40
b) 30
c) 45
d) 25
e) 35
3). What is the difference between the total number of visitors in Museums M and N together on Tuesday and that in Museums P and Q together on Wednesday?
a) 78
b) 72
c) 68
d) 84
e) 76
4). What is the ratio of the total number of visitors in museums N and P together on Tuesday to that in museums M and Q together on Wednesday?
a) 20:23
b) 20 :21
c) 13:16
d) 11:14
e) 15:16
5). What is the average number of visitors in Museum O on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday?
a) 112
b) 116
c) 114
d) 120
e) 118
6).A boat takes a total time of 11 hours and 15 minutes to travel a distance of 60 km upstream and 60 km downstream together. If the speed of the boat in still water is 12 kmph, what is the speed of the current? (in kmph)
a) 9
b) 2
c) 4
d) 8
e) 16
7). The sum of the diameter and the circumference of circle A is 174m. If the radius of circle B is 7m less than the radius of circle A then what is the circumference of circle B? (in m)
a) 88
b) 132
c) 110
d) 96
e) 66
8). The population of Village A is 20% more than the population of Village B. The population of Village C is 40% more than the population of Village A. If the difference between the population of Village B and that of C is 1122, then what is the population of Village A?
a) 2100
b) 1660
c) 1980
d) 1960
e) 1920
9). Jar A has 3x litres of milk and Jar B has x litres of water. 25 litres each of milk and water was taken out from the respective jars and the resultant quantities from both the jars were mixed in Jar C. If the ratio of milk to water in Jar C was 19 : 3, what was the initial quantity of milk in Jar A? (in litres)
a) 90
b) 60
c) 180
d) 150
e) None of these
10). A retailer bought a luxury pen after getting a discount of 30% on the marked price. He sold the luxury pen to a customer for Rs.4536 and earned a profit of 20% on his cost price. What was the initial marked price of the luxury pen?
a) Rs.6200
b) Rs.5800
c) Rs.5600
d) Rs.5400
e) None of these
1). C)Total number of visitors in museum P and Q together on Saturday
= 140 x (105/100) + (60/100) x 85 = 140 x (21/20) + (3/5) x 85
= 147 + 51 = 198
2). B)Reqd % decrease
[(160 -112) / 160 ] x 100 = 48 x (5/8) = 30%
3). E)Reqd difference = (P + Q) — (M + N)
Tuesday = (145 + 167) — (121 + 115) = 312 – 236 = 76
4). B)Reqd ratio
= (N + P) Tuesday / (M + Q) Wednesday = (115+125) / (85 +167)
= 240/252 = 120/126 = 20/21 = 20 : 21
5). B)Reqd average
= (141+128+79) /3 = 348/3 = 116
6). C)Let the speed of the current be x kmph.
Then, downstream speed = 12 + x
Upstream speed = 12 – x
Now, [ 60 / (12+x) ] + [ 60 / (12 — x) ] = 11 + (15/60) =11 1/4
= 45/4
or, (60 x 12 – 60x + 60 x 12 + 60x) / (144 — x2) = 45/4
or, 1440 / (144 – x2) = 45/4
or, 32 / (144—x2) = 1/ 4
or, 128 = 144 — x2
or,x2= 144 — 128 = 16
.•. x = 4 kmph
7). A)Circumference of the circle A = 2ᅲr
And diameter = 2r
Thus, 2r + 2ᅲr = 174
or, 2r(1 + ᅲ) = 174
or, r(1 + ᅲ) = 87
r = 87 / [ 1 + (22/7)] = (87×7) / 29 = 21cm
Radius of the circle B = 21 — 7 = 14 cm
.•. Circumference of the circle B
= 2 x (22/7) x 14 =88 cm

8). C)


Now, B — C = 1122
Or, 168 — 100 = 1122
Or, 68 = 1122
120 = (1122/88) × 120 = 1980

9). E)

Now, (3x —25) / (x – 25) = 19/3

or, 19x – 25 x 19 = 9x – 25 x 3
or, 10x = 475 — 75 = 400
x = 40 litres
Hence the quantity of milk in Jar A was 3x
= 3 x 40 = 120 litres
10). D)Cost price of luxury pen = 4536 x (100/120)
= 4536 x (5/6)  = 756 x 5 = 3780
Marked price = 3780 x (100/70) = 54 x100


= Rs.5400

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