Quantitative Aptitude

CWC/FCI Prelims 2019 – Quantitative Aptitude Questions (Day-36)

Dear Readers, Exam Race for the Year 2019 has already started, To enrich your preparation here we are providing new series of Practice Questions on Quantitative Aptitude – Section for CWC/FCI Exam. Aspirants, practice these questions on a regular basis to improve your score in aptitude section. Start your effective preparation from the right beginning to get success in upcoming CWC/FCI Exam.

[WpProQuiz 5856]

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1) Senthil is 20% more efficient than Ravi. Ravi takes 10 days more to complete the work alone than Senthil takes to complete the work alone. If both work together then in how many days work will be completed?

a) 150/11 days

b) 200/11 days

c) 300/11 days

d) 250/11 days

e) None of these

2) A shopkeeper sold an item at a loss of 20%. If the selling price had been increased by Rs 390, there would have a profit of 6%. What was the cost price of the article?

a) Rs 1900

b) Rs 1380

c) Rs 1750

d) Rs 8714

e) Rs 1500

3) Raj lends some amount to Mani for simple interest. What should be the interest rate if Raj wishes to get back the double amount of money after 10 years?

a) 36%

b) 10%

c) 34%

d) 27%

e) 65%

4) In how many ways a committee of 5 members can be formed from 6 men and 7 women in which at least 3 men should come?

a) 531

b) 359

c) 429

d) 542

e) 325

5) The respective ratio between the present ages of Naresh, Senthil and Rajesh is 2: 3: 4. If the average of their present ages is 36 years then what would be the sum of the ages of Naresh and Senthil together after 7 years?

a) 74 years

b) 35 years

c) 63 years

d) 45 years

e) 81 years

Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

The following graph shows the ratio of import to export of three different countries over the years.

6) If the import of India was Rs. 8 million in 2013 and the export of Nepal in 2010 was 3/2 times of import of India in 2013, then the import of Nepal in 2010 is how much percentage more than the export of India in 2013?

a) 8 %

b) 15 %

c) 24 %

d) 4 %

e) 29 %

7) If the amount of export of Srilanka in 2011 was Rs. 20 million, then find the amount of import of Srilanka in the same year?

a) Rs. 8 million

b) Rs. 10 million

c) Rs. 6 million

d) Rs. 12 million

e) Can’t be determined

8) If the amount of Export for Srilanka in the year 2012, 2014 and 2015 is same, which is equal to 50 million, then find the average amount of Import for Srilanka in the year 2012, 2014 and 2015?

a) 45 million

b) 35 million

c) 50 million

d) 55 million

e) None of these

9) If the amount of import for India in the year 2014 and the amount of export for Nepal in 2015 are same, then find the ratio of the amount of export in 2014 for India to the amount of import in 2015 for Nepal?

a) 3: 5

b) 16: 9

c) 7: 16

d) 5: 2

e) 8: 3

10) If the amount of import for Nepal in 2012 was 28 million and the amount of export for Srilanka in 2015 was 25 million, then find the amount of export for Nepal in 2012 is what percentage of the amount of import for Srilanka in 2015?

a) 150 %

b) 200 %

c) 125 %

d) 175 %

e) 100 %


1) Answer: c)

The ratio of work efficiency of Senthil to Ravi= 120%: 100%

= 6:5

Time taken by Senthil alone to complete the work=5x

And time taken by Ravi alone to complete the work=6x

Then according to the question,



Thus Senthil can complete the work in 50 days and Ravi can complete the work in 60 days.

Now Time taken by both of them together to complete the work= 1/[(1/50)+(1/60)]

= 300/11 days

2) Answer: e)

Let CP of an item be Rs x.

Then, 106% of x-80% of x= 390

26% of x= 390


x= Rs 1500

3) Answer: b)

Since he wants to get the double amount after 10 years, the simple interest must be equal to principal amount.

Thus p=p*r*t/100

Then r= 100/t

= 100/10

= 10%

4) Answer: a)

Possible selection= 3 men + 2 women, 4 men+1 woman, 5 men

= 6C3 *7C2 + 6C4 *7C1 + 6C5

= (6*5*4/1*2*3)*(7*6/1*2) + (6*5/1*2) *7 +6

= 20*21 + 15*7 +6

= 531

5) Answer: a)

Let the present ages of Naresh, Senthil and Rajesh be 2x, 3x and 4x respectively.

Then 2x + 3x + 4x = 3*36

9x= 108

x= 12

Then sum of the ages of Naresh and Senthil after 7 years=2x+3x+14

= 5*12+14

= 74 years

Directions (6-10): 

6) Answer: a)

Import of India in 2013 = 8 million

Export of Nepal in 2010 = 8*(3/2) = 12 million

Import of Nepal in 2010

10’s = 12

1’s = (12/10)

= > 9’s = (12/10)*9 = 10.8 million

Export of India in 2013

8’s = 8

1’s = 1

= > 10’s = (8/8)*10 = Rs. 10 million

Required % = [(10.8 – 10)/10]*100 = 8 %

7) Answer: a)

Export of Srilanka in 2011 = Rs. 20 million

Import of Srilanka in 2011

10’s = 20

1’s = 2

= > 4’s = 8 million

8) Answer: c)

The import of Srilanka in the year 2012

10’s = 50

1’s = 5

= > 11’s = 55 million

The import of Srilanka in the year 2014

10’s = 50

1’s = 5

= > 5’s = 25 million

The import of Srilanka in the year 2015

10’s = 50

1’s = 5

= > 14’s = 70 million

Required average = (55 + 25 + 70)/3 = 150/3 = 50 million

9) Answer: d)

Import of India in 2014 = Export of Nepal in 2015 = x

Required ratio = [x/(4/10)] : [x/1] = 5 : 2

10) Answer: b)

The amount of export for Nepal in 2012

4’s = 28

1’s = 7

= > 10’s = 70 million

The amount of import for Srilanka in 2015

10’s = 25

1’s = 2.5

= > 14’s = 35 million

Required % = (70/35)*100 = 200 %

This post was last modified on April 15, 2019 10:30 am