SBI Clerk

SBI Clerk Mains Quantitative Aptitude Questions 2019 (Day-05)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of Quantitative Aptitude Questions for SBI Clerk Mains 2019 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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[WpProQuiz 6746]


Directions (1 – 5): There are 3 series, you have to find value of a, b and c and then establish the relation among a, b and c.


i) 8, 11, 16, 23, 32, (a)

ii) 15120, 2160, 360, 72, 18, (b)

iii) 318, 160, (c), 41.5, 21.75, 11.875

a) c = b = a

b) b = a = c

c) c > a > b

d) c < a < b

e) a < b > c


i) 11, 18, 27, 38, 51, (a)

ii) 57, 76, 95, 114, 133, (b)

iii) 23, 28, 39, 57, 83, (c)

a) a = b < c

b) a > b = c

c) a < b > c

d) b = c ≥ a

e) a ≥ b = c


i) 31, 62, 124, 217, 341, (a)

ii) 10, 18, 28, 40, 54, (b)

iii) 143, 117, (c), 65, 39, 13

a) a > b < c

b) a = b < c

c) b ≥ a < c

d) c ≤ a ≥ c

e) a = b > c


i) 13, 37, 53, 61, 61, (a)

ii) 529, 361, (b), 169, 121, 49

iii) 1, 15, (c), 1620, 9720, 29160

a) a = b < c

b) a > b = c

c) a < b > c

d) b = c ≥ a

e) a ≥ b = c


i) 1728, 1367, 1043, 754, 498, (a)

ii) 1514, 1361, 1216, 1079, (b), 829

iii) 12, 84, 504, (c), 10080, 30240

a) c < b < a

b) a ≤ b ≤ c

c) c ≥ b = a

d) a = b = c

e) a < b < c

Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

The funnel diagram shows the population of a city.

6) If 8000 people are non – graduates, then find the total population?

a) 32000

b) 36000

c) 40000

d) 45000

e) 50000

7) If the difference between the total non – graduates and total people completed Ph.D is 6000, then find the 60% of total population?

a) 24000

b) 28000

c) 20000

d) 18000

e) 30000

8) If the ratio of male to female population is 7: 3 and the total literate males is 18000. Find the percent of male post graduates from the total males?

Which of the following statement/s necessary to answer the above question?

i) 43.75% of females literate from the total literate

ii) The ratio of male graduates to female graduates is 2: 1

iii) The ratio of female post graduates to male post graduates is 1: 2

a) i) alone

b) Both i) and iii)

c) All the three

d) Any two of three

e) None

9) If 2000 people completed Ph.D, find the total graduates?

a) 20000

b) 18000

c) 36000

d) 48000

e) None of these

10) If the total population is 40000, then find the difference between the graduates to post graduates?

a) 12000

b) 18000

c) 16000

d) 24000

e) Cannot be determined

Answers :

Direction (1-5) :

1) Answer: c) 

Series I:

12 + 7 = 8

22 + 7 = 11

32 + 7 = 16

42 + 7 = 23

52 + 7 = 32

62 + 7 = 43

Series II:

15120/7 = 2160

2160/6 = 360

360/5 = 72

72/4 = 18

18/3 = 6

Series III:

(318 + 2) / 2 = 160

(160 + 2) / 2 = 81

(81 + 2) / 2 = 41.5

(41.5 + 2) / 2 = 21.75

(21.75 + 2) / 2 = 11.875

Hence, c > a > b

2) Answer: c) 

Series I:

22 + 7 = 11

32 + 9 = 18

42 + 11 = 27

52 + 13 = 38

62 + 15 = 51

72 + 17 = 66

Series II:

19 * 3 = 57

19 * 4 = 76

19 * 5 = 95

19 * 6 = 114

19 * 7 = 133

19 * 8 = 152

Series III:

The difference of difference is +1.


23 + 5 = 28

28 + 5 + 6 = 39

39 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 57

57 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 83

83 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 118

Hence, a < b > c

3) Answer: a) 

Series I:

31 + (31 * 1) = 62

62 + (31 * 2) = 124

124 + (31 * 3) = 217

217 + (31 * 4) = 341

341 + (31 * 5) = 496

Series II:

2 * 5 = 10

3 * 6 = 18

4 * 7 = 28

5 * 8 = 40

6 * 9 = 54

7 * 10 = 70

Series III:

13 * 11 = 143

13 * 9 = 117

13 * 7 = 91

13 * 5 = 65

13 * 3 = 39

13 * 1 = 13

Hence, a > b < c

4) Answer: c)    

Series I:

13 + (3 * 8) = 37

37 + (2 * 8) = 53

53 + (1 * 8) = 61

61 + (0 * 8) = 61

61 + (-1 * 8) = 53

Series II:

232 = 529

192 = 361

172 = 289

132 = 169

112 = 121

72 = 49

Series III:

1 * 15 = 15

15 * 12 = 180

180 * 9 = 1620

1620 * 6 = 9720

9720 * 3 = 29160

Hence, a < b > c

5) Answer: e)   

Series I:

1728 – 192 = 1367

1367 – 182 = 1043

1043 – 172 = 754

754 – 162 = 498

498 – 152 = 273

Series II:

392 – 7 = 1514

372 – 8 = 1361

352 – 9 = 1216

332 – 10= 1079

312 – 11 = 950

292 – 12 = 829

Series III:

12 * 7 = 84

84 * 6 = 504

504 * 5 = 2520

2520 * 4 = 10080

10080 * 3 = 30240

Hence, a < b < c

Direction (6-10) :

6) Answer: c)

25% of total literate = 8000

Total literate = 8000/25 * 100 = 32000

80% of total population = 32000

Total population = 32000/80 * 100 = 40000

7) Answer: a)

Let us take the total population be 100x

Total non – graduates = 100x * 80/100 * 25/100 = 20x

Total people completed Ph.D = 100x * 80/100 * 75/100 * ¼ * 33.33/100

= 5x

According to the question,

20x – 5x = 6000

= > 15x = 6000

= > x = 400

Total population = 100x = 100 * 400 = 40000

Required total = 40000 * 60/100 = 24000

8) Answer: b)

Let us take total population be 100x

Male population = 100x * 7/10 = 70x

Female population = 100x * 3/10 = 30x

Total male literate = 18000

From statement i),

56.25% of total literate = 18000

Total literate = 32000

Total female literate = 32000 – 18000 = 14000

From statement ii),

The ratio of male graduates to female graduates is 2: 1

From statement iii),

The ratio of female post graduates to male post graduates is 1: 2

From statement i) and iii)

Let us take total population be 100x

Male population = 100x * 7/10 = 70x

Female population = 100x * 3/10 = 30x

Total male literate = 18000

56.25% of total literate = 18000

Total literate = 32000

Total population = 32000 * (100/80) = 40000

Total male population = 40000 * 7/10 = 28000

Total female literate = 32000 – 18000 = 14000

Total graduates = 32000 * 75/100 = 24000

Total post graduates = 24000 * ¼ = 6000

Male graduates = 6000 * 2/3 = 4000

Required percentage = 4000/28000 * 100 = 14.28%

9) Answer: e)

33.33% of total post graduates = 2000

Total post graduates = 2000 * 3 = 6000

Total graduates = 6000 * 4 = 24000

10) Answer: b)

Total population = 40000

Total literate people = 40000 * 80/100 = 32000

Total graduates = 32000 * 75/100 = 24000

Total post graduates = 24000 * ¼ = 6000

Required difference = 24000 – 6000 = 18000

This post was last modified on October 27, 2021 9:59 am