IBPS Clerk Exam Questions

IBPS Clerk Prelims Reasoning Ability Questions 2019 (Day-12)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of Reasoning Questions for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2019 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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[WpProQuiz 7347]

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Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:

Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W were born in eight different years 1969, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1982, 1995, 2000 and 2003 but not necessarily in the same order. Age was calculated was on 2019.

Age difference between U and P is 3 years. P is older than U. P is not the eldest. U is not the youngest.  Only one person was born between U and T. As many persons were born before T was born after S. Age difference between R and S is 8 years. Q is 5 years older than V. W is not the youngest.

1) Which of the following person is youngest?

a) W

b) V

c) S

d) R

e) None of these

2) How many persons are there between U and R?

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four

e) None of these

3) If T is related to 1975, V is related to 2000, in the same way R is related to which of the following?

a) 1977

b) 2003

c) 1982

d) 1972

e) None of these

4) What is the sum of ages of V and T (in years)?

a) 81

b) 86

c) 83

d) 87

e) None of these

5) What is the age difference between S and V (in years)?

a) 20

b) 30

c) 21

d) 18

e) None of these

Numerical Series

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

625 389 458 876 268 932

6) If the two digit numbers are formed by taking the 2nd and 3rd digit respectively of each of the given numbers and then the position of 2nd and 3rd digit of each number are interchanged. Then which of the following number will be the second highest number in the revised form?

a) 876

b) 389

c) 458

d) 268

e) None of these

7) If these numbers are written with their digits in the reverse order, which number among them will be third highest?

a) 625

b) 268

c) 458

d) 876

e) None of these

8) If the first two digits of each number are interchanged, which among these numbers will be the 2nd lowest number?

a) 625

b) 932

c) 458

d) 268

e) None of these

9) How many numbers in the given number series are divisible by 3?

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

d) 3

e) None of these

10) If one is subtracted from the middle digit of each number and then all the digits in each number are arranged in ascending order from left to right end; then which of the following number is second smallest?

a) 458

b) 625

c) 932

d) 268

e) None of these

Answers :

Directions (1-5):

Age difference between U and P is 3 years. P is older than U. P is not the eldest. U is not the youngest.  Only one person was born between U and T. As many persons were born before T was born after S. Age difference between R and S is 8 years.

Q is 5 years older than V. W is not the youngest.

Case 1 will be dropped because W is not the youngest.

1) Answer: (c)

2) Answer: (b)

3) Answer: (b)

4) Answer: (d)

5) Answer: (c)

Directions (6-10):

6) Answer: (d)

2nd and 3rd digits of the numbers is,

25  89  58  76  68  32

New arrangement of the number is

52 98 85 67 86 23

The second highest number is 86, hence its formed from 268.

7) Answer: (c)

625 389 458 876 268 932

Reverse order

526  983 854 678 862 239

8) Answer: (b)

625 389 458 876 268 932

265 839 548 786 628 392

9) Answer: B

625 389 458 876 268 932

10) Answer: C

625 389 458 876 268 932

615 379 448 866 258 922


156 379 448 668 258 229

This post was last modified on November 12, 2021 2:32 pm