
RRB ALP 2018 Practice Test Papers | Arithmetic Questions (Day-63)

Dear Aspirants, Here we have given the Important RRB ALP & Technicians Exam 2018 Practice Test Papers. Candidates those who are preparing for RRB ALP 2018 can practice these Arithmetic Questions to get more confidence to Crack RRB 2018 Examination.

[WpProQuiz 2867]

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  1. The Averagemark of 4 students is 15. Average of First three student’s marks is 12 and Average of last three student’s marks is 16. What is the fourth students mark?
  1. 14
  2. 15
  3. 16
  4. 18
  1. A man travels 48 km in 4 hours by car and come back the same distance in 3 hours. Find the average speed of the car.
  1. 15 kmph
  2. 16 kmph
  3. 14.6 kmph
  4. 13 .7kmph
  1. 885÷5÷3 = ?
  1. 79
  2. 47
  3. 97
  4. 59
  1. Sum of Squares of two numbers is 52. The ratio of squares of larger number to smaller number is 9:4. Find the Difference between the numbers?
  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2
  1. Find the next term

8, 15, 22, 29, 36, ?

  1. 45
  2. 43
  3. 47
  4. 48
  1. 45% of 60 = x + 56% of 400
  1. 167
  2. 177
  3. 187
  4. 197
  1. The ages of Rohit and mohit are 5:6. 10 years after their ratio is 7:8 Find difference of their ages?
  1. 10
  2. 15
  3. 5
  4. 6
  1. 13×15 − 78 – 90 =?
  1. 20
  2. 23
  3. 27
  4. 19
  1. A Man can do a piece of work in 5 days and Women can do a same work in 10 days. With the help of a kid they together can do a piece of work in 3 days. How long the kid alone can do a work?
  1. 60 days
  2. 10 days
  3. 30 days
  4. 40 days
  1. Two supplementary angles are in the ratio 3:2. The angles are
  1. 54°, 36°
  2. 114°, 66°
  3. 108°, 72°
  4. 33°, 57°

Answers :

1). Answer: A

Four students total mark = 15×4 = 60

Total of first three students mark = 12×3 =36

Fourth student’s mark = 60 – 36 = 14

2). Answer: D

48 / 4 = 12 kmph

48/3 = 16kmph

Average speed = 2xy/(x+y) = (2×12×16)/28 = (2×3×16)/ 7 = 96/7 = 13.7Kmph

3). Answer: D

885× 1/ 5 × 1/3 = 885/15 = 59

4). Answer: D

x2 + y2 = 52

Let x2= 9m, y2=4m

9m+4m = 52

13m =52

m = 4

x2=4×9 = 36, y2=4×4 = 16

Square root of the numbers is 6, 4

Difference of the numbers is 6 -4 = 2


Answer: B

Difference of the series is 7

36+7 = 43

6). Answer: D

27 -x = 224

X = 197

7). Answer: C

(5x+10)/(6x+10)= 7/8

40x+ 80 = 42x + 70

2x = 10

X =5

Age of Rohit = 25

Age of Mohit = 30

Difference = 30 – 25 = 5

8). Answer: C

195 – 78 – 90 = 195 – 168 = 27


Answer: C

Men = 1/ 5 days

Women = 1/ 10 days

Men + women + kid = 1/ 3 days

Kid = 1/5 + 1/10 – 1/3 = (6 + 3 – 10)/30 = 1/30

Kid can alone finish the job in 30 days

10). Answer:  C

The two supplementary angles are in the ratio 3:2

The two angles can be given by 3x and 2x

So, we can say 3x + 2x = 180 [As, the sum of two supplementary angles = 180°]

x = 36°

The two angles are: 3 × 36° = 108° and 2 × 36° = 72°

RRB ALP 2018 – “All in One” Study Materials and Practice Sets

This post was last modified on July 12, 2018 7:15 pm