
RRB ALP 2018 Practice Test Papers | Reasoning Questions (Day-77)

Dear Aspirants, Here we have given the Important RRB ALP & Technicians Exam 2018 Practice Test Papers. Candidates those who are preparing for RRB ALP 2018 can practice these Reasoning Questions to get more confidence to Crack RRB 2018 Examination.

[WpProQuiz 3087]

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Directions (1 – 3) Read the instruction and answer the below questions

In certain code language certain words are coded in some way of coding. All given codings are in two digit only.

“Ri Tu Yg” is coded as “Today heavy Rain”

“Hb Ri Gk Ln” is coded as “Today is fine Climate”

“Ln Sd” is coded as “Climate changes”

1) What is the code for Rain?

a) Tu

b) Yg

c) Either a) or b)

d) None of these
2) In Code language, Sd is referred as

  1. Changes
  2. Climate
  3. Fine
  4. Today

3) What is the code possible for “Today good Climate”?

  1. Gh Ln Jy
  2. Ln Ou Ri
  3. Tu Hb Ri
  4. Ri Hb Ln

4) AH : IP : : DK: ?

  1. LS
  2. ER
  3. LD
  4. HJ

5) Find odd one out

  1. herd
  2. Apes
  3. Shrewdness
  4. Cauldron

6) Fahim is the son of Vivek and father of Mintu. Fahim has no son. How is Mintu related to Vivek?

  1. Sister
  2. Grand daughter
  3. Son
  4. None of these

7) Fahim is the son of Vivek and father of Mintu.Shiku is the only daughter of vivek. Fahim has no son. How is Shiku related to Mintu?

  1. Mother
  2. Sister in law
  3. Maternal Aunt
  4. Paternal Aunt

8) Which of the following conclusion follows the given statements?


All More is less

Some less is much


  1. Some much is More
  2. All less is Much
  1. Only I follows
  2. Either I or II follows
  3. Neither I nor II
  4. None of these

9) Which of the following conclusion follow the given statement?

K < O = P ≤ R < T = Q < S ≥ G ≤ H

  1. S < H
  2. O < T
  3. H > T
  4. K > G

10) Find odd one out

  1. 7 – 63
  2. 11 – 99
  3. 12 – 108
  4. 13 – 104


Direction (1-3)

1) Answer: c)

2) Answer: a)

3) Answer: b)

4) Answer:  a)

A+7 = H +1 = I + 7 = L

D+7 = K + 1 = L+ 7 = S

5) Answer: b)

Ape is an animal all others are mention group of animals

6) Answer: d)

7) Answer: d)

8) Answer:c)

9) Answer: b)

10) Answer: d)

7 * 9 = 63

11 * 9 = 99

12 * 9 = 108

13 * 8 = 104

RRB ALP 2018 – “All in One” Study Materials and Practice Sets


This post was last modified on July 30, 2018 3:06 pm