RRB Clerk

RRB Clerk Mains Reasoning (Day-04)

Reasoning Materials for RRB Clerk Prelims:

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of Reasoning Questions for RRB Clerk Mains 2020 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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coding decoding hour hand minute hand type

Directions (1-3): Study the given information carefully and answer the following questions.

@ Means either the hour hand or the minute hand of the clock is at 2

& Means either the hour hand or the minute hand of the clock is at 7

$ Means either the hour hand or the minute hand of the clock is at 5

% Means either the hour hand or the minute hand of the clock is at 8

* Means either the hour hand or the minute hand of the clock is at 4

# Means either the hour hand or the minute hand of the clock is at 9

! Means either the hour hand or the minute hand of the clock is at 3

Note: The first symbol represents the hour hand and the second symbol represents the Minute hand. All the given time is considered only in PM unless otherwise mentioned.

For example: @# means 2.45PM.

1) If a person has an interview at $#. He takes 45 minutes travel to reach the interview venue from railway station and the same person take 35 minutes to reach railway station from his House. Then, when should the person depart from his house to reach the interview venue by 40 minutes before from his interview time?

A) None of these

B) &!

C) !#

D) !*

E) $!

2) Nila walks at 20km speed per hour. She starts walking from point A at %@ and covers a distance of 30km to reach point B. then when will Nila reach at point B?

A) *%

B) %*

C) #*

D) None of these

E) #%

3) Janu departed from Singapore on Monday *!. The flight took 17 hours to reach Chennai airport. She went to meet his old friend at Madurai where her friend has arrived 3 hours earlier to Janu. Janu took 8 hours to reach Madurai from Chennai via train. Then when was Janu’s friend arrived at their meeting place?

A) @!

B) !!

C) *!

D) @%

E) None of these

Number series condition based

Direction (4-6): Two rows of numbers are given. The resultant number in each row is to be worked out separately based on the following rules and the question below the rows of numbers is to be answered. The operations of numbers progress from left to right.

 Step I: If an odd number is followed by an even number then the resultant will be the addition of both the numbers.

Step II: If an even number is followed by a perfect square then the resultant will be the subtraction of the square number from the even number.

Step III: If an odd number is followed by another odd number then the resultant will be the addition of both the numbers.

Step IV: If an even number is followed by even number then the resultant comes by multiplying the number.

Note: If two conditions apply for the same number then the step which comes first as in ascending order is only considered. (If 48 and 16 ->  Step II and Step IV followed for this number so, we can take only step II)

4) Find the sum of the resultants of the two rows.

21        5          9

8          6          16

A) 30

B) 33

C) 49

D) 16

E) None of these

5) Find the sum of the resultants of the two rows, If X is the resultant of the second row.

X         25        2

3          7          6

A) 32

B) 57

C) 48

D) 40

E) 97

6) Find the difference between the resultant of the first and the second row.

16        2          25

5          8          9

A) 17

B) 39

C) 20

D) 15

E) None of these

Coding decoding new pattern

Directions (7-10): In each of these questions a group of letters is given and is followed by combinations of numbers and symbols. Letters are to be coded as per the scheme and conditions are given below.

Letters except vowels to be coded from 2 to 8 as per the English alphabetical order.

For e.g.

B-2, C-3,D-4…J-8,K-2..R-8 and So on.

So the code for the word SCHOOL is @3^7^@, BEAT is #@%@ and TIME is +3#4.


i) If the first and last letter of the word is a consonant, both are to be coded as ‘@’.

ii) If the first letter is a vowel and the last letter is a consonant, the codes are to be interchanged.

iii) If a consonant followed by a vowel, then code for both has to be interchanged.

iv) If no vowel is present in a word, then second and third letter code has to be interchanged.

Note: More than one condition can apply for the same word. Conditions are applied in the same manner from i to iv.


A) 5+#8 ^33#336

B) +58# ^33#336

C) +5#8 ^33#3#6

D) +5#8 ^33#363

E) None of these


A) #5%45#68 @8@

B) 85%45##6 @8@

C) 85%45#6# 783

D) 85%45#6# 387

E) None of these


A) @687@

B) @876@

C) @768@

D) @786@

E) None of these


A) 7#486#53#

B) 7#48#653#

C) 7#48#563#

D) 7#48#65#3

E) None of these

Answers :

Directions (1-3) :

1) Answer: C

  • A person has an interview at $# – 5.45pm
  • He takes 45 minutes travel to reach interview venue from railway station, and the same person takes 35 minutes to reach railway station from his House so if the person departs at 3.45pm from his house then he reached 4.20pm at railway station and then he reach 5.05pm at interview venue which is 40 minutes before his actual interview time. So 3.45pm – !# – so option “C” answer.

2) Answer: E

Nila starts walking from point A at %@ – 8.10pm

Time taken to cover the distance = 30km/20km per hr = 1.5hr

1.5 hr she takes to cover the distance, 8.10 pm + 1.5hr(i.e., 1hr 30 minutes) = 9.40pm

3) Answer: A

Janu departed from Singapore on Monday *! – 4.15pm

The flight took 17 hours to reach Chennai airport – 4.15pm +17 hrs = 9.15am on Tuesday.

Janu took 8 hours to reach Madurai from Chennai via train= 9.15am + 8hours = 5.15pm on Tuesday

Her friend arrived 3hours earlier to Janu- 5.15 pm -3hr = 2.15 pm = @!

Directions (4-6) :

4) Answer: C

1st row step III applied 21+5=26; Step II applied 26-9=17

2nd row step IV applied 8×6=48; step II => 48-16=32

Sum of resultant is 32+17=49

5) Answer: E

2nd row step III 3+7=10 step IV => 10×6=60

1st row Step II 60-25=35; Step I => 35+2=37

Sum of two rows are 60+37 =97

6) Answer: D

1st row step IV => 16×2=32, step II => 32-25=7

2nd row step I => 5+8=13, step III => 13+9=22

Difference is 22-7=15

Directions (7-10):

7) Answer: C

A-%, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-#, F-5, G-6, H-7, I-+, J-8, K-2, L-3, M-4, N-5, O-^, P-6, Q-7, R-8, S-2, T-3, V-4, W-5, X-6, Y-7, Z-8.

–>COLLEGE-Condition (iii) applies


–>FIRE-Condition (iii) applies


8) Answer: E

A-%, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-#, F-5, G-6, H-7, I-+, J-8, K-2, L-3, M-4, N-5, O-^, P-6, Q-7, R-8, S-2, T-3, V-4, W-5, X-6, Y-7, Z-8.

–>ENDANGER-Condition (ii) and (iii) applies


->TRY-Condition (i)and (iv)applies


9) Answer: D

A-%, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-#, F-5, G-6, H-7, I-+, J-8, K-2, L-3, M-4, N-5, O-^, P-6, Q-7, R-8, S-2, T-3, V-4, W-5, X-6, Y-7, Z-8.

–> CRYPT – Condition (i) and (iv) applies


10) Answer: B

A-%, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-#, F-5, G-6, H-7, I-+, J-8, K-2, L-3, M-4, N-5, O-^, P-6, Q-7, R-8, S-2, T-3, V-4, W-5, X-6, Y-7, Z-8.

–>EMERGENCY -Condition (ii) and (iii) applies


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