SBI Clerk

SBI Clerk Mains Quantitative Aptitude (Day-31)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of Quantitative Aptitude Questions for SBI Clerk Mains 2020 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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1) A box contains 8 Pink balls, 5 black balls, 4 orange balls and 3 white balls. If four balls are drawn out randomly, then the probability of getting a different colour balls?

A) 11/35

B) 32/323

C) 18/189

D) 34/77

E) None of these

2) The ratio of the age of P after 3 years and 6 years ago, the age of Q is 3: 4. The present age of R is 2 times the present age of P. The difference between the present age of Q and R is 6 years. Find the present age of P?

A) 22 years

B) 20 years

C) 24 years

D) 16 years

E) None of these

3) The volume of cylinder 1 and 2 is in the ratio of 3: 1 and the height of the cylinder 1 and 2 is in the ratio of 3: 4. Find the ratio between the radius of cylinder 1 and cylinder 2?

A) 7: 5

B) 5: 2

C) 4: 3

D) 2: 1

E) None of these

4) The present age of Janvi and her husband is 5: 6. The present age Janvi’s daughter is (1/5) of Janvi’s present age. Janvi’s daughter is 3 years younger than her son. Find the sum of the present age of Janvi and her husband, if the age of Janvi’s son, after 7 years is 15 years?

A) 58 years

B) 66 years

C) 55 years

D) 62 years

E) None of these

5) The length of train A is 200 m and that of train B is 300 m. These two trains are running in the opposite direction with the velocities of 60 km/hr and 40 km/hr respectively. Find the time taken to cross each other?

A) 14 sec

B) 21 sec

C) 18 sec

D) 25 sec

E) None of these

6) The volume of sphere 1 and 2 is in the ratio of 27: 125. Find the ratio of the radius of sphere 1 to that of sphere 2?

A) 5: 9

B) 10: 13

C) 3: 5

D) 6: 7

E) None of these

7) Rajeev scored 412 marks in an exam and Sanjay got 75 % marks in the same exam which is 8 marks more than Rajeev. If the minimum passing marks in the exam is 35 %, then how much more marks did Rajeev score than the minimum passing marks?

A) 185

B) 172

C) 216

D) 198

E) 223

8) 200 m long train crosses another train of length 150 m in 9 sec, running in opposite direction. If the speed of the first train is 80 km/hr, then find the speed of the second train (in km/hr)?

A) 80 km/hr

B) 70 km/hr

C) 50 km/hr

D) 60 km/hr

E) None of these

9) A certain sum is divided among A, B and C in such a way that A gets 20 less than the 2/5 of the sum and B gets 1/3 of the sum and C gets Rs. 500. Find the sum?

A) Rs. 900

B) Rs. 1800

C) Rs. 2700

D) Rs. 3000

E) None of these

10) The average score of 50 students of a class is 72. If the last five students are removed, the average drops by 4 marks. If these five marks are consecutive integers, then find the least score?

A) 118

B) 106

C) 124

D) 112

E) None of these

Answers :

Directions (1-10) :

1) Answer: B

Total probability n(S) = 20C4

Required probability = n(E) = 8C1 and 5C1 and 4C1 and 3C1

P(E) = n(E)/n(S)

P(E) = (8C1 and 5C1 and 4Cand 3C1)/20C4

P(E) = 32/323

2) Answer: C

The ratio of 3 years after, the age of P and 6 years ago, the age of Q = 3: 4 (3x, 4x)

Present age of P and Q = 3x – 3, 4x + 6

The age of R = 2 * P = 2 * (3x – 3) = 6x – 6

(6x – 6) – (4x + 6) = 6

6x – 6 – 4x – 6 = 6

2x = 6 + 12

2x = 18

x = 9

Present age of P = 3x – 3 = 27 – 3 = 24 years

3) Answer: D

Volume of the cylinder = πr2h

The ratio of volume of cylinder 1 and 2 = 3: 1

The ratio of height of cylinder 1 and 2 = 3: 4

The ratio between the heights of cylinder 1 to that of cylinder 2,

= > [π * (3x) * r12]/[π * (4x) * r22] = (3/1)

= > r12/r22 = (4/1)

= > r1: r2 = 2: 1

4) Answer: C

The present age of Janvi and her husband = 5: 6 (5x, 6x)

The present age Janvi’s daughter = (1/5) * Janvi’s present age

Janvi’s daughter = Janvi’s son – 3

Janvi’s son after 7 years = 15 years

Janvi’s son’s present age = 8 years

Janvi’s daughter = 8 – 3 = 5 years

Janvi’s present age = 5 * 5 = 25 years

5’s = 25

1’s = 5

Present age of Janvi’s husband = 6x = 30 years

Required sum = 25 + 30 = 55 years

5) Answer: C

T = D/S

T = (200 + 300)/[(60 + 40) * (5/18)]

T = (500 * 18)/(100 * 5)

T = 18 sec

6) Answer: C

Volume of the sphere = (4/3) * πr3

The ratio of volume of sphere 1 and 2 = 27: 125

The ratio of the radius of sphere 1 to that of sphere 2

= > [(4/3) * π * r13]/[(4/3) * π * r23] = (27/125)

= > r13/r23 = (27/125)

= > r1: r2 = 3: 5

7) Answer: C

Let x be the total mark in that exam, then

Rajeev’s score = 412 marks, Sanjay = 75 % = Rajeev’s score – 8

Sanjay = 412 + 8 = 420 = 75 % of total marks

(75/100) * x = 420

x = 420 * (100/75) = 560

Minimum passing marks = 35 % of total marks

= > (35/100) * 560 = 196

Rajeev scored 216 marks more than the passing marks.

8) Answer: D

T = D/S

According to the question,

9 = (200 + 150)/[(80 + x) * (5/18)]

9 * [(80 + x) * (5/18)] = 350

80 + x = 140

x = 60 km/hr

9) Answer: B

Let total sum be x,

A = (2/5) * x – 20

B = (1/3) * x

C = 500

A + B + C = x

(2/5) * x – 20 + (1/3) * x + 500 = x

(11/15) * x + 480 = x

480 = x – (11/15) * x

(4/15) * x = 480

x = 480 * (15/4) = Rs. 1800

10) Answer: B

The average score of 50 students = 72

Total score of 50 students = 50 * 72 = 3600

If the last five students are removed, the average drops by 4 marks.


The average score of 45 students = 68

Total score of 45 students = 45 * 68 = 3060

x + (x + 1) + (x + 2) + (x + 3) + (x + 4) = 540

5x + 10 = 540

5x = 530

x = 106

Least score = 106

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This post was last modified on April 24, 2020 5:39 pm