English Comprehension

SSC English Practice Questions (Day-05)

Dear Aspirants, English Language is an important section for all the competitive exams that occupy an inseparable part. Generally, most of the candidates have lost their marks in this section. This is due to the unawareness of the english section on how to prepare smartly. English section is nothing but it needs to be strong in basic grammar, vocabulary and reading skills. If you are having those skills surely you will score good marks in the examinations. But even though you have the skill, you must practice it regularly then only it will be retained with you. So for your practice purpose, here we have given the questions based on the english language. We have tried to cover all the topics under the latest updated syllabus and exam pattern.

Start Quiz 

1) In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best express the same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

The preacher said, “May God grant peace to the departed!”

(a) The preacher prays that God will grant peace to the departed.

(b) The preacher prayed that God would grant peace to the departed.

(c) The preacher said that God may grant peace to the departed.

(d) The preacher said, God may grant peace to the departed.

2) Select the antonym of


(a) gulp

(b) slug

(c) excrete

(d) chug

3) Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.

Today, however, when one in four rural Indians

P – in identifying the poor are far greater

Q – is poor, our chances of being wrong

R – and one in six urban Indians

(a) PRQ

(b) RQP

(c) QRP

(d) QPR

4) Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

Fans (queue) for the concert tickets since early morning.

(a) has queued up

(b) have had queued

(c) have been queuing up

(d) no improvement

5)  In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the phrase.

Become apparent through the appearance of symptoms.

(a) manifest

(b) distinct

(c) visible

(d) divulged

6) In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the phrase.

an event or a group of events occurring as part of a sequence

(a) stanza

(b) episode

(c) series

(d) lesson

7) Select the synonym of


(a) centralize

(b) variate

(c) declare

(d) announce

8) In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

A dime a dozen

(a) Strength is in numbers

(b) People who say bad things have no value

(c) Very common and of no particular value

(d) You save more if you buy in large numbers

9) Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

The public vent their anger on social media to protest (toward) police brutality.

(a) for

(b) against

(c) regards

(d) no improvement

10) Select the word with the correct spelling.

(a) missible

(b) saosages

(c) emuletor

(d) abdicate

Answers :

1) Answer: B

The correct narration is, “The preacher prayed that God would grant peace to the departed.” “May” is used to express a wish or a hope.

2) Answer: C

Sol. Ingestion means the process of taking food, drink, or another substance into the body by swallowing or absorbing it and excrete means (of a living organism or cell) separate and expel as waste (a substance, especially a product of metabolism).

3) Answer: B

4) Answer: C

Option (c) is the correct choice because “since -a point of time” is used, thus present perfect continuous should be used.

5) Answer: A

Manifest means clear or obvious to the eye or mind.

6) Answer: B

Stanza means a group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse.

Series means a number of events, objects, or people of a similar or related kind coming one after another.

7) Answer: A

Consolidate combine (a number of things) into a single more effective or coherent whole.andcentralize means concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority.

8) Answer: C

9) Answer: B

We use ‘against’ because here protesters are in opposition to the brutality shown by the police.

10) Answer: D

Abdicate means fail to fulfil or undertake (a responsibility or duty).

This post was last modified on February 8, 2021 2:48 pm