English Language

The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary – Day 170

Dear Readers, Here we have given The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary helpful for Upcoming Bank PO, SSC and all Competitive Exams. Explore The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary to score good marks in English Section. Start practicing this vocabulary to increase your word power. While reading a passage you have to highlight tough words in it and analyse the correct meaning of those words. This will help you understand the passage clearly and also you can learn more new words, it means also you can develop your vocabulary. To help you in this part we have provided an English Vocabulary passage along with meaning, synonyms and usages of hard words in the passage, make use of it.

Daily Hindu Editorial Analysis:

1)  brooked (verb) –

Meaning: to consider or give serious or careful thought to ; To have tolerated

Synonyms: entertained, considered, contemplated, tolerated, approved, beared

Antonyms: abhorred, disfavored, disapproved

Usage:  Coming from an ordinary person, how can such a challenge ever be brooked?


2) Unwittingly (verb) –

Meaning: In an accidental manner ; having no knowledge of a situation or fact ; lacking worldly experience, wisdom, or judgment

Synonyms: innocently, naively, ingenuously, ignorantly, unconsciously, inadvertently, accidentally

Antonyms: advisedly, knowingly, intentionally

Usage: He unwittingly made the mistake of questioning the command of the loca .tyrant.


3) flogged (noun) –

Meaning: To have dispossessed someone of something ; to lash or strike repeatedly, especially with a long pliable instrument ; to work arduously in pursuit of an aim or goal

Synonyms:  strained, pushed, stole, pilfered, purloined, whipped, lashed, scourged

Antonyms: guarded, protected

Usage:  The Tablighi Jamaat was mercilessly flogged, especially by certain people and sections of the electronic media, in order to profile Muslims adversely.

Flogged in an enclosed public space, their bloodied bodies must have been brought to the hospital in full public glare,


4) residual (verb) –

Meaning: Remaining after the greater part or quantity has gone ; The act of entailing, the state of being entailed, or something that is entailed ;

Synonyms: consequence, ramification, repercussion, lasting, lingering, abiding, enduring

Antonyms: core, base, requisite, essential

Usage: Indeed, residual elements of the public display of violence are evident even in the Raja’s case.


5) surfeit (noun) –

Meaning: An excessive amount of something; To cause a feeling of disgust or revulsion in; To provide assuagement or palliation to

Synonyms:  assuage, calm, soothe, disgust, repel, revolt excess, oversupply, superabundance

Antonyms: deficiency, insufficiency, thinness, boniness, emaciation

Usage:  Yet they were victims of a surfeit of unwarranted violence..


6) Gush (noun) –

Meaning: a rapid and plentiful stream or burst of something ; A sudden surge of strong feeling ; A sudden departure of a large number of people; An act of talking or writing in an unrestrained or heartfelt way

Synonyms: outburst, burst, eruption effusion, talk, address

Antonyms: exodus, flight, retreat, break, pause

Usage: Curiously, the one show he won’t gush enthusiastically about is his own funeral.


7) Fester (noun) –

Meaning:  To grow worse and increasingly hostile ; To decompose or break down, especially biologically; To cease to flow or move

Synonyms: aggravate, irk, annoy, blister, decay, rot

Antonyms: stagnate, putrefy, combine, develop, delight please, aid, appease

Usage: The mutual recriminations are extremely bitter, leaving wounds that will fester.


8) Convolute (Adj) –

Meaning:  To make unnecessarily complex ; To twist or twine togethe

Synonyms: confuse, cloud, obscure twist, wind, contort

Antonyms: clarify, illuminate, interpret, elucidate

Usage:  A few stiff short hairs above, and the leaves are convolute.


9) Facetious (noun) –

Meaning: A false, absurd, or distorted representation of something;

Synonyms: invalid trial, injustice, mockery, caricature, parody, sham

Antonyms: truth, honesty, reality, flatter, praise

Usage: This slightly facetious example is an illustration of a problem that is causing some real teeth-gnashing..


10) Succour (Adj) –

Meaning: Give assistance or aid to; Feel or express sympathy

Synonyms: relieve, alleviate, aid, help, assist

Antonyms: agitation, annoyance, antagonism,  hindrance, obstruction

Usage: It is true that all NGOs, except those exclusively concerned with succour and relief, are about change.

Conditions deteriorated and the milch cow of the state could no longer succour the system.

This post was last modified on November 9, 2020 12:51 pm