UPPSC Vacancy 2020: Previous & Current Year Vacancies Analysis

UPPSC vacancy 2020 details given here. The number of candidates appeared for the UPPSC exam over the recent years are also available. This data will give you the comparison of various factors such as competition level and UPPSC PCS vacancy 2020.

The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission released the UPPSC PCS notification for this year with 200 vacancies. Here the data for the period between 2016 to 2019 is given. You can find the  vacancy range between these years. The data compares the number of applications received, number of candidates appeared for prelims exam , and the number of candidates qualified for the mains exam. This comparison data will give you clarity about the competition level in the UPPSC recruitment exams.
The recently released UPPSC PCS recruitment notification has 200 vacancies. The recruitment is for the UPPSC PCS Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services (PCS), Range Forest Officer (RFO) / Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) Services Exam 2020. The UPPSC PCS 2020 vacancy details are here. Also the previous year vacancies are given. So that you can compare the level of competition for this exam.
Year UPPSC PCS Vacancy
2016 331
2017 251
2018 831
2019 364
2020 200

UPPSC PCS Comparision Data:

By comparing the UPPSC vacancy details for the past few years, it is fluctuating constantly with increase and decrease in number. But if we see in overall manner from 2016 to 2020, it have decreased a lot. From previous year of 2019 (364 vacancies), the UPPSC PCS vacancy 2020 is decreased to 200 for this year. This will make the competition even more tighter. So the candidates have to prepare rigorously for this exam. We have added links of various details about this recruitment in this page. Also link for the exam preparation strategy is also given. So refer all the links and prepare for the exam  with a dedication.

Get More – UPPSC PCS Syllabus 2020

Year No. of online applications received No. of candidates appeared for Prelims No. of candidates qualified in prelims exam
2017 4,55,297 2,46,654 14,354
2018 6,35,844 3,98,630 25,642
2019 5,44,664 3,18,147 7,455


There is a decrease in the UPPSC 2020 PCS vacancy, compared to that of last year. Also there is a fluctuation in the number of online applications received for this exam for past few years. Also for each year, out of the received application, approximately 50 to 60 percentage of the candidates only appearing for the prelims exam. From that appeared candidates, approximately 6 to 8 percentage of candidates only get qualified in the year 2017 and 2018. But in 2019, only 2% (approximate) of the appeared candidates are qualified in the prelims exam. So the competition level of the exam is becoming very tight. Your preparation needs to be very dedicative to crack this exam.

Due to COVID-19 issues the exam dates are postponed. Only after the end of national lockdown, we can get the clear picture about the exam dates. You can check the tentative exam date schedule.

Also the UPPSC PCS vacancy 2020 detailed comparision in this page would have made you clear about the competition level. so prepare for the exam with a dedication and hard work. Only then you can clear this exam. Also use the preparation strategies given here.

Get More – UPPSC PCS Salary 2020 Details

This post was last modified on May 2, 2020 3:46 pm