“20-20” Quantitative Aptitude | Crack SBI Clerk 2018 Day-9

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Directions(1-5):What will come in place of question mark(?) in the following questions?

1) 3√(27744) + 3√(4096)+√?=38.5

  1. 162.25
  2. 172.75
  3. 132.25
  4. 182.25
  5. 152.25


2). 63.75% of 5600 + 42% of 3250 = ?

  1. 4935
  2. 4975
  3. 4835
  4. 4675
  5. 4735


3). 1311 ÷ 1.9 + 8525 ÷ 625 =?

  1. 603.64
  2. 703.64
  3. 584.46
  4. 684.64
  5. 608.68


4). (39)^2-(24)^2 =? % of 1800

  1. 42.25%
  2. 52.5%
  3. 62.5%
  4. 58.5%
  5. 48.25%


5). 7×(7/3)% of 4921+ 8×(1/3)% of 2463 = ?+191.81

  1. 374
  2. 384
  3. 349
  4. 350
  5. 379


Direction (Q. 6-10): In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

6). 4, 12,  42, 196, 1005, 6066, 42511

  1. 12
  2. 42
  3. 196
  4. 1005
  5. 6066


7). 7, 13, 25, 49, 97, 194, 385

  1. 13
  2. 25
  3. 49
  4. 194
  5. 385


8). 10, 15, 24, 35, 54, 75, 100

  1. 10
  2. 24
  3. 35
  4. 54
  5. 100


9). 2, 8, 32, 148, 765, 4626, 32431

  1. 32431
  2. 765
  3. 148
  4. 32
  5. 2


10). 73, 57, 49, 44, 43,  42

  1. 73
  2. 57
  3. 49
  4. 44
  5. 42


Direction (Q. 11-15): Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow:

Distance (in kms) travelled by six players on six different countries of the grand prix

  1. If to travel the given distance, the time taken by Sebastian Vettel on Canada was 8 hours, what was its speed on that country?
  1. 37.75 kmph
  2. 32.50 kmph
  3. 42.25 kmph
  4. 30.50 kmph
  5. 35.25 kmph
  1. What is the total distance travelled by all the Players together on Austria, Spain and China together?
  1. 5191 km
  2. 4985 km
  3. 5396 km
  4. 4161 km
  5. 5481 km
  1. What is the average distance travelled by Nico Rosberg in all the countries together?
  1. 269 1/3 km
  2. 299 1/6 km
  3. 233 1/6 km
  4. 195 1/6 km
  5. 319 2/7 km
  1. If the speed of Lewis Hamilton on Australia was 19.2 kmph, the speed of Nico Rosberg on Canada was 21.9 kmph, what was the difference between the times taken by two players to cover the given distance?
  1. 50 minutes
  2. 45 minutes
  3. 10 minutes
  4. 30 minutes
  5. 60 minutes


  1. If on China and Austria, Fernando Alonso and Daniel Ricciardo travelled at the same speed, what was the respective ratio of time taken by Fernando Alonso and time taken by Daniel Ricciardo to cover their respective distances?
  1. 78 : 70
  2. Cannot be determined
  3. 71 : 76
  4. None of these
  5. 76 : 71
  1. Rs. 7200 was partly invested in scheme ‘A’ for 6 years and partly in scheme ‘B’ for 2 years. Both the schemes offered simple interest at 12% per annum. The total interest accrued from ‘A’ and ‘B’, at the end of their respective investment period was Rs. 4008. How much was invested in scheme ‘A’?
  1. Rs. 4750
  2. Rs. 5450
  3. Rs. 5850
  4. Rs. 4600
  5. Rs. 5250
  1. There is a circular plot of radius 21 metres. A circular seating space is constructed at the centre of the plot at a total cost of Rs. 231 at Rs. 6 per square metre. What is the area of the remaining part of the circular plot?
  1. 1245 sqm
  2. 1574.25 sqm
  3. 1506.75 sqm
  4. 1347.5 sqm
  5. 1386 sqm
  1. A train running at an average speed of 54 kmph crosses a pole in 14 seconds. How much time will a man take to cross the same train if it is stationary, when he is cycling at a speed of 7 kmph? (in seconds)
  1. 102
  2. 112
  3. 126
  4. 108
  5. 96
  1. A, B and C invested in a business for different periods of time in a year. A invested Rs. 18000, B invested Rs. 15000 and C invested Rs. 12000. A invested for a period which was 1.5 times the period for which B invested and C invested, for a period which is twice the period for which B invested. If at the end of the year, B received an amount of Rs. 2725 as his share in the profit, what was C’s share in the profit?
  1. Rs. 4400
  2. Rs. 4120
  3. Rs. 4560
  4. Rs. 4280
  5. Rs. 4360
  1. Aita and Sunita enter into a partnership with capital of Rs. 50000 and Rs. 40000 respectively. After one month, Sunita withdraws 1/4 part of her capital and after 3 months from starting Anita puts Rs. 20000 more. When Sunita withdraws her money Manita joins them with Rs. 70000. If at the end of one year there is a profit of Rs. 18240, find the share of Manita in the profit.
  1. 7135
  2. 7615
  3. 7000
  4. 7315
  5. 7495




1)Answer: c


∴?=-11.5 * -11.5 =132.25


2). Answer: a

?={ (63.75×5600)/100 }+{ (42×32500)/100 }

=3570+1365 =4935


3). Answer: b


=690+13.64 =703.64


4). Answer: b

34). (?×1800)/100 =(39)^2-(24)^2



? =52.5%


5). Answer: e

7×(3/7)%of 4921+8×(1/3)% of 2463=? – 191.81 0r

(52/7)× (4921/100)+ (25/300) ×2483 =?+191.81

∴ ? = 365.56+205.25 -191.81 =379


Direction (Q. 6-10):

6). Answer: b

4, 12, 42, 196, 1005, 6066, 42511

4× 2+(2)^2= 12

12× 3+(3)^2= 45

45× 4+(4)^2= 196

196× 5+(5)^2= 1005

1005× 6+(6)^2= 6066

6066× 7+(7)^2= 42511

Hence, 42 is the wrong number


7). Answer: d

7, 13, 25, 49, 97, 194, 385

7 × 2 -1= 13

13× 2 -1= 25

25× 2 -1= 49

49× 2 -1= 97

97× 2 -1= 193

193× 2 -1= 385

Hence, 194 is the wrong number


8). Answer: c

10, 15, 24, 35, 54, 75, 100

10+5 =15

15+9 = 24

24+13 =37

37 + 17 =54

54 + 21 =75

75+25 =100

Hence, 35 is the wrong number


9). Answer: d

2, 8, 32, 148, 765, 4626, 32431

2 × 2+2^2= 8

3 × 8+3^2= 33

4 × 33+4^2= 148

5 × 148+5^2= 765

6 ×765+6^2= 4626

7 × 4626+7^2=32431

Hence, 32 is the wrong number.


10). Answer: d

73, 57, 49, 44, 43, 42

73-57= 16


49-45= 4

45-43= 2



Direction (Q. 11-15):

  1. Answer: a

Speed of Sebastian Vettel on Canada

= 302/8

= 37.75 kmph


  1. Answer: a

Total distance travelled by all the Players on Austria, Spain and China together

Austria = (292 + 284 + 260 + 274 + 290 + 242) km = 1642 km

Spain = (288 + 300 + 310 + 278 + 260 + 275) km = 1711 km

China = (320 + 264 + 308 + 314 + 318 + 314) km = 1838 km

Total = 1642 + 1711 + 1838

= 5191 km


  1. Answer: a

Required average distance covered by Nico Rosberg

= (325 + 314 + 312 + 278 + 292 + 274)/6

= 1795/6

= 299 1/6 km


  1. Answer: a

Required time

= 240/19.2

= 12.5 hours

= 12 hours 30 minutes

= 292/21.9

= 13.33 hours

= 13 hours 20 minutes

Difference = 13 hours 20 minutes – 12 hours 30 minutes

= 50 minutes


  1. Answer: c

Time taken by Fernando Alonso on China and Austria

= 308 + 260 = 568

Time taken by Daniel Ricciardo on China and Austria

= 318 + 290 = 608

Required ratio =568:608

= 71 : 76


  1. Answer: a

Scheme A      Scheme B

Invested x      7200 – x

Let Rs. x be invested for 6, years at the rate 12% per annum.

And Rs. (7200 – x) be invested for 2 years at the rate of 12% per annum.

Now, 6 x 12% of x + 2 x 12% of (7200 – x) = 4008






  1. Answer: d

Area of the circular plot = πr2

= (22/7) × 21× 21

Area of the remaining part of the circular

plot = [ (22/7) × 21× 21] – (231 / 6 )

= 66 x 21 – 38.5 = 1386 — 38.5 = 1347.5 sq metre..


  1. Answer: d

Length of train = 54 x 14 x (5 / 18) = 210 metres

Time taken by the man to cross the stationary train = (210×18) / (7 x 5) = 6 x 18 = 108 seconds


  1. Answer: e

Ratio of profit A ; B : C

So,      A :                               B:                    C

18600×1.5x               15000xx                     12000×2x

Or, 27x                       15x                              24x

9x                                5x                                8x

Now, 5x = 2725

8x = (2725 / 5) x 8 = Rs. 4360

C’s share in profit = Rs. 4360


  1. Answer: d

Ratio of capital of Anita, Sunita and Manita is (50000 x 3 + 70000 x 9) : (40000 x 1+ 30000 x 11) : (70000- x 11) = 78 : 37 : 77

Share of Manita in profit

= [77 / (78+37+77)] x18240 = (77 /192 )x18240  = 7315

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This post was last modified on September 17, 2020 11:11 am