LIC AAO/SBI PO Prelims Quantitative Aptitude Questions 2019 (Day-16)

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1) Abinav marks an item one-third more than the CP but he allows successive discount of x % and (x + 10) %. If the CP of an item is Rs. 900 and he losses 4 %, then find the value of ‘x’?

a) 25 %

b) 15 %

c) 10 %

d) 20 %

e) None of these

2) The price of Item A is 10 % more than that of Item B. How much percentage the price of Item B is less than that of Item A?

a) 11.25 %

b) 10.11 %

c) 8.23 %

d) 9.09 %

e) None of these

3) A, B and C started a business by investing in the ratio of 3: 5: 7. After 5 months, A invested Rs. 15000 more. And after 3 months, C withdraws Rs. 30000. Find the initial investment of B, if the share of A, B and C is in the ratio of 43: 60: 76?

a) Rs. 75000

b) Rs. 90000

c) Rs. 65000

d) Rs. 80000

e) None of these

4) The difference between the ages of Yuvaraj and Ajay, 4 years ago was 8 years. If the ratio of their ages 7 years hence is 5: 4, then find the present age of Yuvaraj’s mother who is 25 years older than Yuvaraj?

a) 64 years

b) 72 years

c) 58 years

d) 54 years

e) None of these

5) An article was sold at a discount of 25% and there was a profit of 10%. If the profit earned was Rs. 96 less than the discount offered, then find the selling price of the article?

a) Rs. 520

b) Rs. 458

c) Rs. 412

d) Rs. 396

e) None of these

Directions (Q. 6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

There are two different companies A and B, invested certain amount in 4 different months (September, October, November and December) in the year 2018.

Company A has invested 51 lakhs average amount in all the given months together. The ratio of the amount invested by company A in the month of September to that of October is 5: 9. The amount invested by company A in the month of November is 20 % more than the amount invested by company A in the month of October. The amount invested by company A in the month of December is 80 lakhs.

The ratio of the amount invested by company B in the month of October to that of the amount invested by company A in the month of December is 1: 2. The amount invested by company B in the month of September is 12 lakhs less than the amount invested in the month of October by company B. The total amount invested by company B in all the given months together is 151 lakhs. The amount invested by company B in the month of November is 7 lakhs less than the amount invested by the same company in the month of December.

6) Find the difference between the amount invested by company A in the month of October to that of the amount invested by company B in the month of September?

a) 22 lakhs

b) 14 lakhs

c) 17 lakhs

d) 25 lakhs

e) None of these

7) The amount invested by company A in the month of November is what percentage of the amount invested by company B in the month of October?

a) 150 %

b) 115 %

c) 135 %

d) 85 %

e) 100 %

8) The amount invested by both the companies in the month of September is what percentage more/less than the amount invested by both the companies in the month of December?

a) 61.4 %

b) 55.2 %

c) 42.8 %

d) 57.6 %

e) None of these

9) Find the difference between the average amount invested by company A in the month of September and December together to that of the average amount invested by company B in the month of November and December together?

a) 12.5 lakhs

b) 11 lakhs

c) 15 lakhs

d) 16.75 lakhs

e) None of these

10) If the amount invested by company B in the month of January 2019 is 12.25 lakhs more than the average amount invested by company B in all the given four months together, then find the amount invested by company B in the month of January 2019?

a) 50 lakhs

b) 65 lakhs

c) 45 lakhs

d) 60 lakhs

e) None of these

Answers :

1) Answer: c)

SP = 900*(96/100) = 864

MP = 900*(4/3) = Rs. 1200

According to the question,

1200*[(100 – x)/100]*[(90 – x)/100] = 864

9000 – 100x – 90x + x2 = 7200

X2 – 190x + 1800 = 0

(x – 180) (x – 10) = 0

= > x = 180, 10 (180 should be eliminated)

= > x = 10 %

2) Answer: d)

Required % = [R/(100 + R)]*100, Here R = 10 %

= > (10/110)*100 = 9.09 %

3) Answer: a)

The initial investment of A, B and C = 3x, 5x and 7x

The share of A, B and C

= > [3x*5 + (3x + 15000)*7]: [5x*12]: [7x*8 + (7x – 30000)*4]

= 43: 60: 76

= > [15x + 21x + 105000]: [60x]: [56x + 28x – 120000] = 43: 60: 76

= > [36x + 105000]: [60x]: [84x – 120000] = 43: 60: 76

According to the question,

(60x)/(84x – 120000) = (60/76)

76x = 84x – 120000

8x = 120000

= > x = 15000

The initial investment of B = 5x = Rs. 75000

4) Answer: c)

4 years ago, Yuvaraj – Ajay = 8

7 years hence, The ratio of Yuvaraj and Ajay = 5: 4 (5x, 4x)

Present age of Yuvaraj and Ajay = 5x – 7, 4x – 7

According to the question,

5x – 4x = 8

x = 8

Present age of Yuvaraj = 5x – 7 = 33

Present age of Yuvaraj’s mother = 33 + 25

= > 58 years

5) Answer: d)

Let the cost price be x,

Selling price = (110/100)*x = 11x/10

Marked price*(75/100) = 11x/10

MP = 22x/15

The profit earned was Rs. 96 less than the discount,

According to the question,

= > (22x/15 – 11x/10) – (11x/10 – x) = 96

= > 55x/150 – x/10 = 96

= > 40x/150 = 96

= > x = 360

Cost price = Rs. 360

Selling price = 360*(110/100) = Rs. 396

Directions (Q. 6 – 10):

Company A:

The average amount invested in all the given months = 51*4 = 204 lakhs

The ratio of the amount invested by company A in the month of September to that of October = 5: 9

The amount invested by company A in the month of November

= > (120/100)*the amount invested by company A in the month of October

November: October = 6: 5

The ratio of the amount invested by company A in the month of September, October, and November = 25: 45: 54

The amount invested by company A in the month of December = 80 lakhs

The amount invested by company A in the month of September, October, November = 204 – 80 = 124 lakhs

124’s = 124

1’s = 1

September = 25 lakhs, October = 45 lakhs, November = 54 lakhs,

December = 80 lakhs

Company B:

The ratio of the amount invested by company B in the month of October to that of the amount invested by company A in the month of December = 1: 2

The amount invested by company B in the month of October

= > (80/2)*1 = 40 lakhs

The amount invested by company B in the month of September

= > 40 – 12 = 28 lakhs

The total amount invested by company B in all the given months together

= > 151 lakhs

The amount invested by company B in the month of November

= > The amount invested by the same company in the month of December – 7 lakhs

December – November = 7 —> (1)

The total amount invested by company B in the month of November and December = 151 – (40 + 28) = 83 lakhs

December + November = 83 —> (2)

By solving the equation (1) and (2), we get,

December = 45 lakhs, November = 38 lakhs, September = 28 lakhs,

October = 40 lakhs

6) Answer: c)

The amount invested by company A in the month of October = 45 lakhs

The amount invested by company B in the month of September = 28 lakhs

Required difference = 45 – 28 = 17 lakhs

7) Answer: c)

The amount invested by company A in the month of November = 54 lakhs

The amount invested by company B in the month of October = 40 lakhs

Required % = (54/40)*100 = 135 %

8) Answer: d)

The amount invested by both the companies in the month of September

= > 25 + 28 = 53 lakhs

The amount invested by both the companies in the month of December

= > 80 + 45 = 125 lakhs

Required % = [(125 – 53)/125]*100 = 57.6 %

9) Answer: b)

The average amount invested by company A in the month of September and December together

= > (25 + 80)/2 = 105/2

The average amount invested by company B in the month of November and December together

= > (38 + 45)/2 = 83/2

Required difference = (105/2) – (83/2) = 22/2 = 11 lakhs

10) Answer: a)

The average amount invested by company B in all the given four months together

= > 151/4 = 37.75

The amount invested by company B in the month of January 2019

= > 37.75 + 12.25 = 50 lakhs


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