LIC AAO/SBI PO Prelims Reasoning Questions 2019 (Day-01)

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Direction (1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Eight persons G, J, K, M, P, S, T and V are living on eight different floors of an eight storey building in such a way that the ground floor is numbered 1, the above floor is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 8. They all are like different colours viz., Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red and White but not necessary in the same order.

Only two persons are living between J and the one who likes Orange. At least three persons are living below J, who lives on one of the odd numbered floors. M lives immediately above the one who likes Orange. K lives immediately below the one who likes Yellow. As many persons living above the one who likes Yellow is same as below V, who does not live on the lowermost floor. Three persons live between G and the one who likes Violet. G lives below the one who likes Violet. S lives in one of the floors above the one who likes Violet but not immediately above. As many persons living above the one who likes Red is same as below the one who likes Blue but none of them lives on topmost floor. As many persons live between G and the one who likes Blue is same as T and the one who likes Red. T lives above P. Only two persons are living between the one who likes White and the one who likes Green. G does not like White. P does not live above the one who likes Red.

1) T likes which of the following colours?

a) Yellow

b) White

c) Green

d) Indigo

e) None of these

2) How many person(s) is/are living between P and the one who likes Yellow?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) More than three

3) If K is related to Blue and V is related to Yellow in a certain way. Then, M is related to which of the following?

a) Indigo

b) Green

c) Red

d) Orange

e) Violet

4) Which of the following statements is true?

a) M lives immediately below the one who likes White

b) Only one person lives between V and the one who likes Violet

c) More than two persons living above S

d) S lives in one of the even numbered floors

e) None is true

5) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which one of the following that does not belong to the group?

a) V

b) M

c) T

d) P

e) K

Direction (6-10): In the following questions, the symbol #, $, @, & and % are used with the following meaning as illustrated below.

Give answer if,

a) Only conclusion I follows

b) Only conclusion II follows

c) Either conclusion I or II follows

d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows

e) Both conclusions I and II follows

‘A % B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor equal to B’,

‘A @ B’ means ‘A is neither smaller nor greater than B’,

‘A & B’ means ‘A is not smaller than B’,

‘A # B’ means ‘A is not greater than B’ and

‘A $ B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’.

6) Statements: H # G % B @ D & E; J & S # D % F @ X.


I. S # G

II. X $ H

7) Statements: S % W # T @ A $ P; K % L @ N # W $ Q.


I. L # A

II. K % T

8) Statements: V @ N # M % L $ G; K & L & T @ S % A.


I. N % S

II. K & M

9) Statements: M & K $ L # U % Z; E @ L & A $ X # W.


I. X % Z

II. E # M

10) Statements: B % S % C @ A # D; N & M & V @ B # R.


I. A $ M

II. N & S


Direction (1-5):

Only two persons are living between J and the one who likes Orange. At least three persons are living below J, who lives on one of the odd numbered floors. M lives immediately above the one who likes Orange.

K lives immediately below the one who likes Yellow. As many persons living above the one who likes Yellow is same as below V, who does not live on the lowermost floor.

Three persons are born between G and the one who likes Violet. G lives below the one who likes Violet. S lives one of the floors above the one who likes Violet but not immediately above. As many persons living above the one who likes Red is same as below the one who likes Blue but none of them lives on topmost floor.

So, Case-2(b) will be dropped.

As many persons live between G and the one who likes Blue is same as T and the one who likes Red. T lives above P. P does not live above the one who likes Red.

So, Case-1(b) will be dropped.

Only two persons are living between the one who likes White and the one who likes Green. G does not like White.

So, Case-1(a) will be dropped.

1) Answer: d)

2) Answer: c)

3) Answer: c)

4) Answer: a)

5) Answer: b)

Direction (6-10):

6) Answer: b)

H ≤ G < B = D ≥ E; J ≥ S ≤ D < F = X.

I. S ≤ G –> S ≤ D = B > G

II. X > H –> X = F > D = B > G ≥ H

7) Answer: e)

S < W ≤ T = A > P; K < L = N ≤ W > Q.

I. L ≤ A –> L = N ≤ W ≤ T = A

II. K < T –> K < L = N ≤ W ≤ T

8) Answer: d)

V = N ≤ M < L > G; K ≥ L ≥ T = S < A.

I. N < S –> N ≤ M < L ≥ T = S

II. K ≥ M –>K ≥ L > M

9) Answer: a)

M ≥ K > L ≤ U < Z; E = L ≥ A > X ≤ W.

I. X < Z –> X < A ≤ L ≤ U < Z

II. E ≤ M –> E = L < K ≤ M

10) Answer: d)

B < S < C = A ≤D; N ≥ M ≥ V = B ≤ R.

I. A > M –> A = C > S >B = V ≤ M

II. N ≥ S –> N ≥ M ≥ V = B < S

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