RRB ALP 2018 Practice Test Papers | Arithmetic Questions (Day-1)

Dear Aspirants, Here we have given the Important RRB ALP & Technicians Exam 2018 Practice Test Papers. Candidates those who are preparing for RRB ALP 2018 can practice these Arithmetic Questions to get more confidence to Crack RRB 2018 Examination.

[WpProQuiz 1430]

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  1. Simplify: (1/16)0+160+125-1/3+493/2

(A) 1726/5

(B) 1737/5

(C) 1458/7

(D) Cannot be determined

  1. Raj can do a work in 10 days and Mohit can do the same work in 20 days. How many days will they take to complete the work if they work together?

(A) 15 days

(B) 20/3 days

(C) 6 days

(D) 3/20 days

  1. Find the square root of √27225.

(A) 155

(B) 201

(C) 165

(D) 174

  1. A shopkeeper sells 10 notebooks for the same money as he paid for 20. What is his gain%?

(A) 25%

(B) 40%

(C) 45%

(D) 100%

  1. Find the greatest possible length that can be used to measure exactly the lengths 7 m, 3.85 m and 12.95 m.

(A) 45 cm

(B) 70 cm

(C) 35 cm

(D) 80 cm

  1. The average salary of 10 teachers in a school is Rs.1500 per month. If the principal’s salary is added, the average becomes Rs. 2000 per month. The principal’s salary is

(A) Rs. 6000

(B) Rs. 8000

(C) Rs. 7000

(D) Rs. 5000

  1. In how many ways can a cricket team of 11 players be selected out of 14 players if 4 particular players are always included?

(A) 96

(B) 120

(C) 48

(D) 148

  1. A boat takes 8 hours more when sailing upstream than that of downstream. The speed of the boat in still water is 8 km/h and the distance travelled is 48 km. Find the speed of the current.

(A) 1 km/h

(B) 2 km/h

(C) 3 km/h

(D) 4 km/h

  1. X2% of 125 – √(6000 –224)= 152 + 182. What is the value of X?

(A) 100

(B) 10

(C) 105

(D) 10√5

  1. 212 is divided into two parts in such a way that one-fourth of the first and two-ninth of the second part are in ratio of 13: 12. Find out the second part of the number.

(A) 108

(B) 86

(C) 98

(D) 116


  1. Answer: A







  1. Answer: B


In 1 day,

Raj can do 1/10 of the work

Mohit can do 1/20 of the work

Together they can do 1/10+1/20= (2+1)/2  = 3/20 of the work in one day

Together they take1/(3/20) days to complete the work =20/3 days


LCM of 10, 20 is 20

Let the total no. of work to be done is 20 pieces

A can do 20 pieces of work in 10 days. So in 1 day it will do 2 pieces of work

B can do 20 pieces of work in 20 days. So in 1 day it will do 1 piece of work

A and B together will do 1+2=3 pieces of work in a day

No. of days=Total work done/One day efficiency

A and B together will do the work in 20/3 days

  1. Answer: C


Split the number as 272   25

272 lies between 162 and 172

Square root of number ends in 5 ends in 5

Square root is 165

  1. Answer: D


Cost price of 20 books =x

Cost price of 10 books will be x/2

Selling price of 10 books=x



No.of books amount gained as profit on selling 10 books=10/10*100%=100%

  1. Answer: C


1m= 100 cm

HCF of 700,385 and 1295= 35 cm

  1. Answer: C


Total Salary of ten teachers = 1500*10=15000

Sum of salary of 10 teachers and Principal=2000*11=22000

Salary of Principal = 22000-15000=7000

  1. Answer: B


Since 4 players are certainly in the team therefore selection of 7 players is required from the remaining 10 players.

Required number of ways = 10C7 = 10C3= (10*9*8)/(3*2*1)=120

  1. Answer: D


Let the speed of the current = x km/h

∴ Upstream speed = (8 – x) km/h and

Downstream speed = (8 + x) km/h

Time for upstream sail = 48/(8– x) h

and for downstream sail = 48/(8+x)h

∴ 48/(8-x)-48/(8+x)=8




x2 +12x-64=0


x=4 km/h (-16 is neglected since it is negative)

  1. Answer: D


X2% *125=√5776+225+324

= 76+225+324

X2= 625*100/125


  1. Answer: A


212= x : y

(1/4) x/(2/9)y=13:12


x / y=13*8/12*9


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