LIC AAO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Questions 2019 (Day-04)

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Directions (Q. 1 – 5): Each question below contains a statement followed by Quantity I and Quantity II. Find the relationship among them and mark your answer accordingly. Give answer as,

a) Quantity I > Quantity II
b) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
c) Quantity II > Quantity I
d) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I
e) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established

1) Quantity I: The ratio of present age of Nivetha and Renuka is 3: 5. Nivetha is 7 years younger than Banu. After 8 years, Banu’s age is 30. Then find the present age of Renuka?

Quantity II: The sum of the present age Raji and her son is 70 years. 15 years ago, Raji’s age was 3 times of her son. Then find the present age of Raji’s son?


2) Quantity I: Arjun, Prabha and Chandra started the business by investing in the ratio of 5: 8: 7. 25% of the profit goes to charity; the remaining will be shared by three of them. The share of Prabha is 48000. Find the total profit?

Quantity II: P, Q and R started a business by investing in the ratio of 3: 4: 5. After 6 months, Q invested 50 % more than the initial investment and after 2 months, P withdraw one – third of the initial investment. Find the total profit, if the share of P after one year is Rs. 40000?


3) Quantity I: In an examination, Rakesh scored 46 % marks and failed by 20 marks. In the same examination, Radhika scored 55 % marks and get 25 marks more than the passing marks. Find the passing marks in the examination?

Quantity II:  Kailash scored 430 marks in an examination and Savitha got 72% marks in the same examination which is 70 marks less than Kailash. If the passing percentage in the examination is 35%, then find the passing marks in the examination?


4) Quantity I: The shopkeeper allows two successive discounts of 25% and 10%. If the percentage of mark up price of an item is 20 % and the cost price of an item is Rs. 1500, then find the selling price of an item?

Quantity II: The marked price of an item is 150 less than thrice the cost price and shopkeeper allows a discount of 30 %. Find the selling price, if the cost price of the item is Rs. 700?

5) Quantity I: 280 m long train crosses a telegram post in 7 sec. Find the speed of the train?

Quantity II: 160 m long train crosses a platform of length 120 m in 14 sec. Find the speed of the train?

Directions (Q. 6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

The following table shows the cost price, marked price, selling price and discount % of 4 different items. Some values are missing here.

6) Find the difference between the markup % of item Q to that of Item S, if the profit % of item Q is 25 % and the cost price of item S is Rs. 1800 more than the marked price of item R and the markup % of item R is 43.75 %?

a) 7.5 %

b) 8.75 %

c) 6.25 %

d) 9 %

e) None of these

7) The cost price of item P and R together is approximately what percentage of selling price of the same items together?

a) 100 %

b) 115 %

c) 70 %

d) 85 %

e) 125 %

8) Find the ratio between the profit % of item P to that of item Q, if the cost price of item Q to that of item R is 5: 4?

a) 3: 7

b) 4: 5

c) 1: 3

d) 5: 9

e) None of these

9) Find the difference between the average cost price of all the given items together to that of the average marked price of all the given items together, if the profit % of item Q and loss % of item S is 25 % and 10 % respectively and the ratio of marked price of item P to that of item R is 18: 23 and the difference between the marked price of item P and R is Rs. 1000?

a) Rs. 2050

b) Rs. 2400

c) Rs. 2250

d) Rs. 2600

e) None of these

10) If the ratio between the selling price of item A to that of item P is 13 : 9 and discount % of item A is 25 % and the markup % of item A is 73 1/3 %, then find the cost price of item A?

a) Rs. 3200

b) Rs. 3500

c) Rs. 3000

d) Rs. 3600

e) None of these

Answers :

Direction (1-5) :

1) Answer: e)

Quantity I:

The ratio of present age of Nivetha and Renuka = 3: 5

Nivetha = Banu – 7

After 8 years, Banu’s age = 30

Present age of Banu = 22

Nivetha = 22 – 7 = 15

3’s = 15

1’s = 5

Present age of Renuka = 5’s = 25 years

Quantity II:

The sum of the present age Raji and her son = 70 years

Raji + Raji’s son = 70

15 years ago, the ratio of the age of Raji and her son = 3: 1

According to the question,

3x + 15 + x + 15 = 70

4x = 70 – 30

4x = 40

= > x = 10

Present age of Raji’s son = x + 15 = 25 years

Quantity I = Quantity II

2) Answer: c)

Quantity I:

Investment ratio = 5: 8: 7

Prabha’s share = 48000

8’s = 48000

1’s = 6000

20’s = 6000*20 = 120000

75 % of total profit = 120000

(75/100)*total profit = 120000

Total profit = 120000*(100/75) = Rs. 160000

Quantity II:

The share of P, Q and R

= > [3x*8 + 3x*(2/3)*4]: [4x*6 + 4x*(150/100)*6]: [5x*12]

= > 32x: 60x: 60x

= > 8: 15: 15

8’s = 40000

1’s = 5000

Total profit = 38’s = Rs. 190000

Quantity I < Quantity II

3) Answer: a)

Quantity I:

Here passing marks equal. So,

= > 46 % of total marks + 20 = 55 % of total marks – 25

= > 20 + 25 = (55 – 46) % of total marks

= > 45 = 9 % of total marks

= > Total marks = 45*(100/9) = 500

Passing marks = 500*(46/100) + 20 = 230 + 20 = 250

Quantity II:

Kailash’s score = 430

According to the question,

= > 72 % of total marks = 430 – 70

= > (72/100)*Total marks = 360

= > Total marks = 360*(100/72) = 500

Passing mark = (35/100)*500 = 175

Quantity I > Quantity II

4) Answer: c)

Quantity I:

CP*[(100 + Mark up %)/100] = MP

1500*(120/100) = MP

MP = 1800

SP = 1800*(75/100)*(90/100) = Rs. 1215

Quantity II:

MP = 3CP – 150

MP = (3*700) – 150 = 1950

SP = 1950*(70/100) = Rs.1365

Quantity I < Quantity II

5) Answer: a)

Quantity I:

S = D/T = 280/7 = 40 m/s

Quantity II:

Distance = Length of train + Platform length = 160 + 120 = 280 m

S = 280/14 = 20 m/s

Quantity I > Quantity II

Direction (6-10) :

6) Answer: c)

The profit % of item Q = 25 %

SP of item Q = 6250*(80/100) = Rs. 5000

CP of item Q * (125/100) = 5000

CP of item Q = 5000*(100/125) = Rs. 4000

CP (Q) * [(100 + Markup %)/100] = MP

4000*[(100 + x)/100] = 6250

100 + x = 625000/4000 = 156.25

X = 156.25 – 100 = 56.25 %

Markup % of item Q = 56.25 %

The cost price of item S = The marked price of item R + 1800

Marked price of item R = 3200*(143.75/100) = 4600

The cost price of item S = 4600 + 1800 = Rs. 6400

Markup % of item S

= > 6400*[(100 + y)/100] = 9600

= > 100 + y = 960000/6400

= > 100 + y = 150

= > y = 50 %

Required difference = 56.25 – 50 = 6.25 %

7) Answer: d)

The cost price of item P and R together

= > 2250 + 3200 = Rs. 5450

The selling price of item P and R together

= > 2700 + 3680 = Rs. 6380

Required % = (5450/6380)*100 = 85 %

8) Answer: b)

Cost price of Item Q = (3200/4)*5 = Rs. 4000

Profit % of item P = [(2700 – 2250)/2250]*100 = 20 %

Selling price of item Q = 6250*(80/100) = Rs. 5000

Profit % of item Q = [(5000 – 4000)/4000]*100 = 25 %

Required ratio = 20: 25 = 4: 5

9) Answer: a)

Selling price of item Q = 6250*(80/100) = Rs. 5000

Cost price of item Q = 5000*(100/125) = Rs. 4000

Selling price of item S = 9600*(60/100) = Rs. 5760

Cost price of item S = 5760*(100/90) = 6400

The average cost price of all the given items together

= > (2250 + 4000 + 3200 + 6400)/4

= > 15850/4

The ratio of marked price of item P to that of item R = 18: 23

The difference between the marked price of item P and R = Rs. 1000

5’s = 1000

1’s = 200

The total marked price of item P and R together = 41’s = Rs. 8200

The average marked price of all the given items together

= > (6250 + 9600 + 8200)/4

= > 24050/4

Required difference = (24050/4) – (15850/4)

= > 8200/4 = Rs. 2050

10) Answer: c)

The ratio between the selling price of item A to that of item P = 13: 9

The selling price of item A = (2700/9)*13 = Rs. 3900

Marked price of item A*(75/100) = 3900

Marked price of item A = 3900*(100/75) = Rs. 5200

The markup % of item A = 73 1/3 % = (220/3) %

Cost price of item A*[(100 + (220/3))/100] = 5200

Cost price of item A = 520000*3/520 = Rs. 3000

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