IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Questions 2019 – (Day-2)

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[WpProQuiz 7261]

Quantity based questions

Directions (1 – 5): Following questions have two quantities as Quantity I and Quantity II. You have to determine the relationship between them and give answer as,

a) Quantity I > Quantity II

b) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II

c) Quantity I = Quantity II

d) Quantity I < Quantity II

e) Quantity I ≤ Quantity II

1) If the sum of the cost price of Watch and Pen drive is Rs.2750 and the ratio of the marked to cost price of watch and Pen drive is 5:4 and 6:5 respectively.

Quantity I: If the Watch sold at 5% loss and Pen drive sold at 6% profit while the whole transaction we gets no profit no loss, then find the marked price of the watch?

Quantity II: If the Watch sold at the profit of 10% and Pen drive sold at 10% loss while the whole transaction we gets no profit no loss, then find the marked price of the Pen drive?

2) Vessel A contains 60 liters mixture of milk and water and Vessel B contains x liters mixture of milk and water in the ratio of 3:2.

Quantity I:If the quantity of water in Vessel A is equal to the quantity of the milk in vessel B and the difference between quantity of the milk and water in vessel B is 8 liters, then the quantity of water in vessel A is what percent of the quantity of milk in vessel A?

Quantity II: If quantity of the water in vessel B is 16 liters, then the total quantity of the mixture in vessel B is what percent of the total quantity of the mixture in vessel A?


Quantity I: A and B together can complete 60% of the work in 4.8 days and the ratio of the number of days taken by A and B is 1:2. If the efficiency of C is double of A, in how many days C alone complete the work?

Quantity II: A complete 40% of the work in 6 days, B can complete work half of the work in 15 days respectively and the efficiency of B is double of C. IfA and B together can start the work and after 3 days C joined with them. In how many days A, B and C together can complete remaining work?


Quantity I: The ratio of the ages of A to B is 2:5 and after 5 years twice the age of A is equal to the present age of B. What is A’s age after 15 years?

Quantity II: Ratio of the ages of A to B is 6:5 and the difference between the ages of A and B after 18 years is 6 years. What is the present age of A?


Quantity I: Perimeter of the square and the circumference of the circle is equal. If side of the square is equal to the breadth of the rectangle whose perimeter is 104 cm. If the breadth of the rectangle is 8 cm less than the length of the rectangle, then what is the radius of the circle?

Quantity II: If the ratio of the length and breadth of the rectangle is 2:1 and the side of the cube is equal to the breadth of the rectangle. If the surface area of the cube is 384 cm2, what is the length of the rectangle?

Data interpretation

Direction (6 – 10): Study the following data carefully and answer the questions:

There are five banks A, B, C, D and E that accepts deposits from the customer and provided loan to them. Interest charged on Loan and interest given on deposit by each bank is different.

Bar graph given below shows the Interest rate given on deposits and interest rate charges on loan by all the five banks.

Note: Nature of interest given on Deposit is always Simple by all the banks while nature of interest on loan is always Compounded annually by all the banks.

6) Ramesh took a loan of certain amount from bank B and deposited half of that amount in bank D. If at the end of 3 years, interest amount given to bank B is Rs.10760 less than the interest amount received by him from bank D, then what is the amount of loan taken by Ramesh from bank B?

a) Rs.50000

b) Rs.45000

c) Rs.30000

d) Rs.40000

e) None of these

7) Pawan took loan of amount ‘x’ from bank A and loan of amount ‘x + 8000’ from bank B. If Bank A applies half yearly rate of compound interest instead of annual, then after 2 years interest amount given by Pawan to Bank A is Rs.1369.2 more than that given to Bank B, then what is the value of ‘x’?

a) 18000

b) 12000

c) 16000

d) 15000

e) None of these

8) A person deposited a part of Rs.15000 in bank B and remaining in bank C. If interest amount received by him from both the banks after 3 years is same and after 3 years total interest amount, he received from the both the banks together deposited in bank D, then after how many years interest amount will be same from bank D as that from bank B and C after 3 years initially?

a) 1.25 years

b) 2.5 years

c) 1 year

d) 1.75 years

e) None of these

9) If 5 persons deposited average of Rs.15000 in bank D on a particular day and 3 persons took loan of average amount Rs.18000 from the same bank on the same day, then what will be the total loss incurred to bank D after 3 years from present due to the deposit and loan on that particular day?

a) Rs.23625

b) Rs.28378

c) Rs.25362

d) Rs.24624

e) None of these

10) Vijay took loans of two different amounts from two banks D and E in the ratio 9: 11 respectively. If at the end of 2 years, total interest amount paid by Vinay to both the banks together is Rs.33150, then what will be the difference between interest amount paid by Vijay to both the banks if the loan is taken for 3 years instead of 2 years?

a) Rs.8295

b) Rs.7815

c) Rs.9275

d) Rs.6485

e) None of these

Answers :

Directions (1-5) :

1) Answer: A

From quantity I,

CP of watch = x

CP of pen drive = 2750 – x

x * 95/100 + (2750 – x) * 106/100 = 2750

95x + 291500 – 106x = 275000

16500 = 11x

x = 1500

MP of watch = 5/4 * 1500 = 1875

From quantity II,

CP of watch = x

CP of pen drive = 2750 – x

x * 110/100 + (2750 – x) * 90/100 = 2750

20x = 27500

x = 1375

CP of Pen drive = 2750 – 1375 = 1375

MP of Pen drive = 1375 * 6/5 = 1650

Quantity I > quantity II

2) Answer: C

From quantity I,

3x – 2x = 8 liters

Quantity of the milk in vessel B = 3 * 8 = 24 liters

Quantity of the water in vessel A = 24 liters

Quantity of the milk in vessel A = 60 – 24 = 36 liters

Required percentage = 24/36 * 100 = 66.67%

From quantity II,

Water quantity in vessel B = 16 liters

Total quantity of vessel B = 5/2 * 16 = 40 liters

Required percentage = 40/60 * 100 = 66.67%

Quantity I = quantity II

3) Answer: C

From quantity I,

A + B = 100/60 * 4.8 = 8 days

1/x + 1/2x = 1/8

3/2x = 1/8

1/x = 1/12

C = 1/6

From quantity II,

A = 100/40 * 6 = 15 days

B = 2/1 * 15 = 30 days

C = 1/60

(x + 3)/15 + (x + 3)/30 + x/60 = 1

4x + 12 + 2x + 6 + x = 60

7x = 42

x = 6 days

Quantity I = quantity II

4) Answer: D

From quantity I,

(2x + 5) * 2 = 5x

4x + 10 = 5x

x = 10

A’s present age = 10 * 2 = 20 years

After 15 days A’s age = 20 + 15 = 35 years

From quantity II,

6x + 18 – (5x + 18) = 6

x = 6

A’s present age = 6 * 6 = 36 years

Quantity I < quantity II

5) Answer: D

From quantity I,

2 * (l + b) = 104

2 * (l + l – 8) = 104

2l = 60

L = 30 cm

Breath of the rectangle = 30 – 8 = 22 cm

Side of the square = 22 cm

Perimeter of the square = 22 * 4 = 88 cm

88 = 2 * 22/7 * r

Radius of the circle = 14 cm

From quantity II,

Surface of the cube = 6 * a * a = 384

a = 8 cm

Breadth of the rectangle = 8 cm

Length of the rectangle = 2 * 8 = 16 cm

Quantity I < quantity II

Directions (6 – 10):

6) Answer: d)

Let amount of loan taken from bank B is ‘100x’ and amount of loan deposited in bank D is ‘50x’.

Interest amount given to bank B after 3 years = 100x * [(1.1)3 – 1] = 33.1x

Interest amount received from bank D after 3 years = (50x * 40 * 3)/100 = 60x

According to the question:

60x – 33.1x = 10760

26.9x = 10760

x = 400

Hence, amount of loan taken by Ramesh = 100x = Rs.40000

7) Answer: b)

Interest amount given by Pawan to Bank A after 2 years = x * [(1.1)4 – 1]

= 0.4641x

Interest amount given by Pawan to Bank B after 2 years = (x + 8000) * [(1.1)2 – 1] = (0.21x + 1680)

According to the question:

0.4641x – (0.21x + 1680) = 1369.2

0.2541x – 1680 = 1369.2

0.2541x = 3049.2

x = 12000

8) Answer: a)

Let amount invested in bank B and C is ‘x’ and ‘15000 – x’ respectively.

According to the question:

[(x * 20 * 3)/100] = [{(15000 – x) * 10 * 3}/100]

2x = 15000 – x

3x = 15000

x = 5000

Interest amount received from both the banks together

= 2 * [(5000 * 20 * 3)/100] = Rs.6000

Let after ‘t’ years, interest amount from bank D will be same as that from bank B and C after 3 years initially.

Interest amount from bank D after 4 more years = (6000 * t * 40)/100 = 3000

2400t = 3000

t = 1.25 years

9) Answer: c)

Total deposited amount in bank D on that day = 15000 * 5 = Rs.75000

Total interest amount given to customer by bank D after 3 years = (75000 * 40 * 3)/100 = Rs.90000

Total amount of loan given by bank D on that day = 18000 * 3 = Rs.54000

Total amount of interest received by bank from customer after 3 years = 54000 * [(1.3)3 – 1] = Rs.64638

Total loss incurred to bank D = 90000 – 64638 = Rs.25362

10) Answer: a)

Let amount of loan taken by Vijay from bank D and E is ‘9x’ and ‘11x’ respectively.

Total interest amount from bank D after 2 years = 9x * [(1.3)2 – 1] = 6.21x

Total interest amount from bank E after 2 years = 11x * [(1.2)2 – 1] = 4.84x

According to the question:

6.21x + 4.84x = 33150

11.05x = 33150

x = 3000

Total interest amount from bank D after 3 years = 9x * [(1.3)3 – 1] = 10.773x = Rs.32319

Total interest amount from bank E after 3 years = 11x * [(1.2)3 – 1] = 8.008x

= Rs.24024

Required difference = 32319 – 24024 = Rs.8295

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