SBI Clerk Topic Wise Weightage: Expected Number of Questions in Each Topic

SBI Clerk Topic Wise Weightage: As per the SBI Clerk 2023 notification, the preliminary exams will take place soon. A huge competition will be there to crack the prelims exam. For that, you should have to do some smart preparation works. Here we have added the SBI Clerk Topic wise weightage for the prelims & mains exam. In the exam pattern, you can know the SBI clerk subject wise marks. But in each section, there are various topics. So, candidates should know the SBI clerk chapter-wise weightage. In this article of SBI Clerk Prelims Topic wise weightage and SBI Clerk Mains Topic wise Weightage. Aspirants can check each topic’s expected number of questions. So that, you can optimize your preparation according to the weightage.


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SBI Clerk Topic-wise Weightage for Prelims Exam:

Based on the results of the previous year’s exams, the SBI Clerk topic weighting has been put here. By examining this SBI Clerk topic wise weightage for both the preliminaries and main tests, candidates can get a sense of the subjects that ought to receive more attention. The facts presented here can be used to interpret the SBI Clerk topic wise weightage 2023. For the prelims exam, we provide the SBI Clerk Topic-wise Weightage for each section.



SBI Clerk Prelims Topic wise Weightage – Reasoning Ability:

You can check the SBI clerk topic-wise weightage for the Reasoning ability section in the prelims exam.


SBI Clerk Prelims Topic wise Weightage – Reasoning Ability
Topics Weightage 2021 Weightage 2020 Weightage 2019
Puzzle And Seating Arrangement 12-23 15-20 15-23
Syllogism 0-3 3-4 4-5
Inequality 2-5 3-5
Coding Decoding 0-5 0-5 0-5
Alphanumeric Series 4-5 3-5 0-5
Direction 2-3 3-5 0-3
Blood Relation 0-2 0-3 2-4
Order & Ranking 0-3
Miscellaneous 1-3 2-5 0-5


As the exam will happen in shifts, candidates cannot expect all the topics. In one shift, inequality will not be asked, while in some shifts syllogism will not be asked. So, candidates prepare all topics and attend the exam with good question selection skills to score more marks in the reasoning section.


SBI Clerk Prelims Topic wise Weightage – Quantitative Aptitude

You can check the SBI clerk topic-wise weightage for the Quantitative Aptitude section in the prelims exam.


SBI Clerk Prelims Topic wise Weightage – Quantitative Aptitude

Topics Weightage 2021 Weightage 2020 Weightage 2019
Data Interpretation 5 5-6 0-5
Caselets 0-5 0-5
Missing Number Series 0-5 0-5
Wrong Number Series 0-5 0-5 0-5
Arithmetic 8-13 9-10 8-10
Simplification/Approximation 10-13 10 10-12
Q1, Q2 2-4
Quadratic Equation 0-2 0-5 0-5


As the exam will happen in shifts, in a single shift all topics cannot be asked. So prepare as per that. Concentrate more on DI, number series, simplification, and quadratic equations. This will help you to score around 20 marks easily.


SBI Clerk Prelims Topic wise Weightage – English Language

You can check the SBI clerk topic-wise weightage for the English Language section in the prelims exam.


SBI Clerk Prelims Topic wise Weightage – English Language
Topics             Weightage 2021 Weightage 2020 Weightage 2019
Reading Comprehension 7-8 9-10 8-10
Error Detection 4-6 5 5-7
Misspelt 0-6 2-5 0-5
Para Jumbles 0-5
Fillers 0-4 3-5 0-5
Sentence Improvement 0-4 0-5 0-5
Word Swap/ Word Rearrangement 0-5
Phrase Replacement 2-6
Cloze Test 5-8 5-6 0-5
Sentence Rearrangement 0-5 0-5
Word Usage 0-2 0-5


Grammar is the base to score in all these topics. So, concentrate on grammar and also develop your reading skills.

So, candidates follow this SBI clerk topic-wise weightage 2023 and crack the prelims exam. We will very soon provide you the SBI clerk mains topic wise weightage.



SBI Clerk Mains Topic wise Weightage

Examine the topical weighting for each part of the SBI Clerk Mains. You may therefore get a general sense of the anticipated weightage for this year.


SBI Clerk Mains Topic wise Weightage – Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude

The topic weighting for the reasoning ability and computer aptitude sections of the SBI Clerk mains is listed below.


SBI Clerk Topic wise Weightage for Mains (Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude)
Topics 2021 2020
Puzzles & Seating Arrangement 17 25
Logical Reasoning 10 6
Data Sufficiency 0-3
Coded Direction 4 5
Coded Inequality 4 5
Syllogism 4
Machine Input Output 5 5
Blood Relation 0-3
Miscellaneous 0-4

SBI Clerk Mains Topic wise Weightage – Quantitative Aptitude

Here is the SBI Clerk mains topic wise weightage for the Quantitative aptitude section.

SBI Clerk Topic wise Weightage for Mains (Quantitative Aptitude)
Topics 2021 2020
DI + Caselet 20 19
Quantity Comparison 5 5
Number Series 0-2
Approximation 3
Caselet 8
Data Sufficiency 0-6
Arithmetic 12 18

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SBI Clerk Mains Topic wise Weightage – English Language

Here is the SBI Clerk mains topic wise weightage for the English Language.

SBI Clerk Topic wise Weightage for Mains (English Language)
Topics 2021 2020
Reading Comprehension 14 12
Error Spotting + Sentence Rearrangement 4 5
Misspelt 5
Vocabulary (Identify Synonym/Antonym) 3 5
Fillers 4 5
Para Jumbles 5
Idioms 2
Phrase Replacement 4 5
Cloze Test 6


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