SBI PO Prelims English Preparation Questions 2019 – Day 16

Practice with SBI PO Prelims English Preparation Questions 2019 Day 15. For every bank exams, English section is important for prelims as well as mains exam. You should score at least the minimum qualifying marks to get qualify the examination. The English language section is quite tougher compare to other sections. So analyze the updated syllabus and exam pattern for English and give priority according to the weightage. Give more importance to the more weightage sections. If you want to crack the examination within a short period of time the start preparation and practice regularly with our SBI PO Prelims English Preparation Questions 2019 Day 15.

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it”

[WpProQuiz 5382]

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Directions (1-10): In each of the following questions there are sentences with bold parts. You need to understand whether those parts need to be replaced.

1) Mr. Shovan could not rise up from his bed no more.

a) Any farther

b) Any further

c) Any more

d) At most

e) No improvement

2)  Audacity is the mother of invention

a) Tenacity

b) Necessity

c) Paucity

d) Adversity

e) No improvement

3) What Rohan said is not correct at all

a) Incorrect

b) Not incorrect

c) Correct

d) Corrects

e) No improvement

4) His younger son fell from the roof.

a) Fell below the roof

b) Fell down the roof

c) Fell off the roof

d) Fall from the roof

e) No error

5) It is high time that we should start preparing for the final match

a) Started

b) Shall Start

c) Should have started

d) Must start

e) No error

6) He absented from the meeting.

a) Absents

b) Absented himself

c) Took absence

d) Was absent

e) No improvement

7) Rakesh called on me when I was not at home, don’t he?

a) Did he?

b) Didn’t he?

c) Doesn’t he?

d) Didn’t I?

e) No improvement

8) Do how I say.

a) What

b) That

c) At

d) As

e) No improvement

9) Let’s buy a new T-Shirt with the monthly bonus, can we?

a) Can’t we?

b) Will we?

c) Shall we?

d) Don’t we?

e) No improvement

10) May I know who did accompany you to the airport?

a) Who accompanies you

b) Whom you accompanying

c) Who accompanied you

d) Who accompany you

e) No error


Directions (1-10):

1) Answer: c)

‘Any more’ means ‘no longer’

2) Answer: c)  

It means that when needs become essential, we are forced to find or invent new ways.

3) Answer: e)  

4) Answer: c)

With ‘fall’ we use ‘off’.

5) Answer: a)

 This idiom takes the past form of the verb.

6) Answer: b)  

The correct form of the verb is absented himself.

7) Answer: b)

The past form of the verb is to be used as the sentence is in past tense)

8) Answer: c)

 It means to obey instructions.

9) Answer: e)

10) Answer: c)  

Here ‘who’ acts as subject. Option c is correct.

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