The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary – Day 152

Dear Readers, Here we have given The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary helpful for Upcoming Bank PO, SSC and all Competitive Exams. Explore The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary to score good marks in English Section. Start practicing these vocabulary to increase your word power. While reading a passage you have to highlight tough words in it and analyse the correct meaning for those words. This will help you understand the passage clearly and also you can learn more new words, it means also you can develop your vocabulary. To help you in this part we have provided a English Vocabulary passage along with meaning, synonyms and usages of hard words in the passage, make use of it. We also providing Important Vocabulary Quiz based on “THE ECONOMIST” and “THE HINDU”

The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary from Day 1 – Click Here
Important English Vocabulary from “The Economist” – Free PDF
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1). Procurement (Noun) खरीद

Definition: the action of obtaining or procuring something.


Usage: financial assistance for the procurement of legal advice


2). Unremunerative (Adjective) — अलाभकारी

Definition: bringing little or no profit or income.

Synonyms: Profitless, nonprofit, worthless

Usage: unremunerative research work


3). Clamour (Noun) – कोलाहल

Definition: a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting.

Synonyms: din, racket, loud noise, uproar, tumult, babel, shouting, yelling, screaming

Usage: the questions rose to a clamour


4). Evoked (Verb) – मन में आना

Definition: bring or recall (a feeling, memory, or image) to the conscious mind.

Synonyms: bring to mind, call to mind, put one in mind of, call up, conjure up, summon up

Usage: the sight evoked pleasant memories of his childhood


5). Outrage (Noun) – आक्रोश

Definition: an extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation.

Synonyms: indignation, fury, anger, rage, disapproval, wrath, shock, resentment, horror

Usage: her voice trembled with outrage


6). Ghastly (Adjective) – भयंकर रूप से

Definition: causing great horror or fear.

Synonyms:  terrible, frightful, horrible, grim, awful, dire

Usage: one of the most ghastly crimes ever committed


7). Outcry (Noun) – चिल्लाहट

Definition: a strong expression of public disapproval or anger.

Synonyms: complaints, howls of protest, objections, indignation, furore, clamour, clamouring

Usage: the public outcry over the bombing


8). Dichotomy (Noun) – विभाजन

Definition: a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.

Synonyms: division, separation, divorce, split, gulf, chasm

Usage: a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism


9). Vengeful (Adjective) – तामसिक

Definition: seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury.

Synonyms: vindictive, revengeful, out for revenge, avenging, unforgiving, resentful

Usage: a vengeful ex-con


10). Clamoured (Verb) – शोर मचाना

Definition: (of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently.

Synonyms:  yell, shout loudly, bay, scream, shriek, roar

Usage: the surging crowds clamoured for attention


11). Arbitrariness (Noun) – मनमानापन

Definition: the quality of being based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.

Synonyms: random, irrational, irresponsible.

Usage: disparate peoples were forced together by the arbitrariness of a colonial map-maker’s pen


12). Penitence (Noun) – तोबा, पछतावा

Definition: the action of feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentance.

Synonyms:  repentance, contrition, compunction, regret, remorse, remorsefulness

Usage: a public display of penitence

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