The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary – Day 194

Dear Readers, Here we have given The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary helpful for Upcoming Bank PO, SSC and all Competitive Exams. Explore The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary to score good marks in English Section. Start practising this vocabulary to increase your word power. While reading a passage you have to highlight tough words in it and analyse the correct meaning of those words. This will help you understand the passage clearly and also you can learn more new words, it means also you can develop your vocabulary. To help you in this part we have provided an English Vocabulary passage along with meaning, synonyms and usages of hard words in the passage, make use of it.

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1) Sacking (Verb) — बर्खास्त करना

Meaning: dismiss from employment.

Synonyms: dismiss, give someone their notice, throw out

Antonyms: hire, take on

Usage: “any official found to be involved would be sacked on the spot”


2) Inflicted (Verb) — थोपना

Meaning: impose something unwelcome on.

Synonyms: impose, force, press, thrust

Antonyms:held, kept, removed

Usage: “she is wrong to inflict her beliefs on everyone else”


3) Scuttled (Verb) – भगदड़ करना

Meaning: run hurriedly or furtively with short quick steps.

Synonyms: scamper, scurry, scramble

Antonyms:crawled, crept,creeped

Usage: “a mouse scuttled across the floor”


4) Helm (Noun) — नेतृत्व की स्थिति

Meaning: a position of leadership.

Synonyms: in charge, in command, in control

Antonyms: subordinate, conclusion, employee

Usage: “the chairman is to step down after four years at the helm”


5) Folly (Noun) — मूर्खता

Meaning: a foolish act, idea, or practice.

Synonyms: foolishness, foolhardiness, stupidity

Antonyms: wisdom, good sense

Usage: “the follies of youth”


6) Futile (Noun) – व्यर्थ, निरर्थक

Meaning: incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.

Synonyms: fruitless, vain, pointless

Antonyms: useful, fruitful

Usage: “a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage”


7) Deterrence (Noun) — निवारण

Meaning: the action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.

Synonyms: prevention, discouragement, disincentive

Antonyms: encouragement, persuasion

Usage: “nuclear missiles remain the main deterrence against possible aggression”


8) Stringent (Adjective) — कड़ी से कड़ी

Meaning: (of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.

Synonyms: strict, firm, rigid, rigorous

Antonyms: lenient, flexible

Usage:”stringent guidelines on air pollution”


9) Litigation (Noun) — मुक़दमेबाज़ी

Meaning: the process of taking legal action.

Synonyms:  legal proceeding(s), legal action, lawsuit

Antonyms: demand, order

Usage: “the company wishes to avoid litigation”


10) Ambit (Noun) —  सीमा

Meaning: the scope, extent, or bounds of something.

Synonyms: scope, extent, bounds, confines

Antonyms: freedom, infinity, inside

Usage: “a full discussion of this complex issue was beyond the ambit of one book”

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