IBPS Clerk Mains Quantitative Aptitude Questions 2019 (Day-6) High Level New Pattern

Dear Aspirants, Quantitative Aptitude plays a crucial role in Banking and all other competitive exams. To enrich your preparation, here we have provided New Pattern Aptitude Questions for IBPS Clerk Mains. Candidates those who are going to appear in IBPS Clerk Mains can practice these questions daily and make your preparation effective.

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Directions (1 – 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

The given bar graph shows the number (in thousands) of products manufactured and line graph shows percentage of unsold products by a company over the years 2013 – 2017.


1) What is the average number of product sold in over the years 2013 to 2017?

a) 28766

b) 27866

c) 28966

d) 37866

e) None of these

2) What is the ratio of defective to non defective product of the company in 2017?

Statement I: The defective product of the company in 2017 is 80% of the unsold product of company in the year 2015.

Statement II: Non defective product of the company in the year 2017 is half of the number of product manufactured in the year 2013.

a) Only I

b) Only II

c) Either I or II sufficient

d) All I and II necessary to the answer the question

e) The question can’t be answered even with all I and II

3) What is the unsold product of the company in 2018?

Quantity I: The number of products is manufactured by company in the year 2018 is 120% of the product manufactured in 2016. The ratio of the number of product sold and unsold in the year 2018 is 4 : 3.

Quantity II: The number of unsold product in the year 2018 is equal to the number of defective product in the year 2014. And the non defective product of the company in the year 2014 is 80% of the number of product sold in 2013.

a) Quantity I > Quantity II

b) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II

c) Quantity II > Quantity I

d) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I

e) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established

4) Sum of the difference between the sold and unsold product in 2014 and 2015 together is approximately what percent more than that of the total number of product unsold in the year 2013, 2016 and 2017 together?

a) 105%

b) 93%

c) 72%

d) 66%

e) 117%

5) What is the average number of products manufactured by company 2014, 2016 and 2017 together?

a) 35000

b) 39000

c) 37000

d) 34000

e) None of these

Directions (6 – 10): Each question contains a statement followed by Quantity I, Quantity II and Quantity III. Which of the following should be placed in the blank spaces of the expression “Quantity I__ Quantity II ___ Quantity III” from left to right with respect to the above statements?

6) Quantity I: Ram borrowed the money from Prem at the rate of 12% per annum simple interest. Then Ram deposited that money from the bank of simple interest at 20%. At the end of 18 years, Ram earned the profit of Rs. 540. Find the Sum?

Quantity II: The CI and SI on a certain sum for two years at the rate of 5 % is Rs.165 and Rs.150 respectively. Find the sum?

Quantity III: A and B started the business by investing Rs. 4000 and Rs. 2000 respectively. After six months A withdrew Rs. 800. The total profit at the end of a year is Rs. 2800, then find the profit share of B?

a) <, <

b) <, >

c) >, >

d) =, <

e) =, >

7) Quantity I: Anu has Rs. 6200 in the form of Rs.10, Rs.50 and Rs.100 notes. The ratio of the number of these notes is 7 : 5 : 3. What is the amount of Rs. 50 notes?

Quantity II: The profit earned after selling a mobile for Rs. 2540 is the same as loss incurred after selling the same mobile for Rs.2326. What is the cost price of the mobile?

Quantity III: The ratio of the radius of circle and sphere is 1 : 2. The curved surface area of the sphere is 61600 cm. Find the area of the circle?

a) <, <

b) >, <

c) >, >

d) =, <

e) >, =

8) Quantity I: In the year 2017, the ratio of males to females in Kolkata is 4:5. In the year 2018 the male population increased by 20% and the female population increased by 10%. If the total population in the year 2018 was 103000, then find the male population in Kolkata in the year 2018?

Quantity II: A dealer purchased a Sofa for Rs. 8100. He allows a discount of 10% on its marked price and still gains 15%. Find the marked price of the Sofa?

Quantity III: If the rate of interest increased by 5%, then the simple interest increased by Rs.12000 for 5 years. If the same sum deposited in the bank for 10 years at the rate of 10%, find the simple interest for 10 years?

a) <, <

b) <, >

c) >, <

d) =, <

e) >, =

9) Quantity I: If the ratio of the present age of Ram and Suresh is 7 : 8. After 10 years from now the ratio of Suresh and his sister is 3 : 2. Difference between the ages of Ram and Suresh of after 15 years is 4 years. Then find the Suresh sister’s age after 7 years?

Quantity II: x2 – 51x + 650 = 0

Quantity III: 175 m long train crosses another train of length 100 m in 15 sec, running in same direction. If the speed of the first train is 90 km/hr, then find the speed of the second train (in km/hr)?

a) <, <

b) ≥, >

c) ≤, >

d) >, <

e) >, =

10) Quantity I: A man can row 20 kmph in still water. If the river is running at 12 kmph, it takes 9 hours more upstream than to go downstream for the same distance. Find the distance?

Quantity II: Two trains A and B run in the same direction at 60 kmph and x kmph respectively. If the train A crosses the train B in 20 seconds and the length of train A and train B is 80 m and 120 m respectively. Then find the value of x (Train B is a faster train)?

Quantity III: A man travelled a distance of 91 km in 9 hours. He travelled partly on foot at 6 km/hr and partly on bicycle at 12 km/hr. Then find the distance travelled on foot by the man.

a) >, >

b) <, <

c) >, <

d) <, >

e) =, >

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Answers :

Direction (1-5) :

1) Answer: a)

In 2013 = (80/100)*30000 = 24000

In 2014 = (65/100)*35000 = 22750

In 2015 = (82/100)*42000 = 34440

In 2016 = (78/100)*28000 = 21840

In 2017 = (85/100)*48000 = 40800

Average = (24000 + 22750 + 34440 + 21840 + 40800)/5 = 28766

2) Answer: c)

From Statement I,

Defective product in 2017 = (80/100) * (18/100) * 42000 = 6048

Non defective product in 2017 = 48000 – 6048 = 41952

Required ratio = 6048 : 41952 = 63 : 437

From Statement II,

Non defective product in 2017 = 30000/2 = 15000

Defective product in 2017 = 48000 – 15000 = 33000

Required ratio =15000 : 33000 = 5 : 11

Either I or II is sufficient to answer the question.

3) Answer: c)

From quantity I,

Product which is going to manufactured in 2018 = (120/100)*28000 = 33600

Unsold product in 2018 = (3/7)*33600 = 14400

From quantity II,

The non defective product of the company in the year 2014

= > (80/100)*the number of product sold in 2013

= > (80/100)*30000*(80/100) = 19200

Defective product in 2014 = 35000 – 19200 = 15800

Number unsold product in 2018 = 15800

4) Answer: b)

Difference of sold and unsold product in 2014 = (30/100) * 35000 = 10500

Difference of sold and unsold product in 2015 = (64/100) * 42000 = 26880

Sum = 10500 + 26880 = 37380

Unsold product in 2017 = (15/100) * 48000 = 7200

Unsold product in 2016 = (22/100) * 28000 = 6160

Unsold product in 2013 = (20/100) * 30000 = 6000

Total = 7200 + 6160 + 6000 = 19360

Required percentage = [(37380 – 19360)/19360] * 100 = 93%

5) Answer: c)

Average of products manufactured = (35000 + 28000 + 48000)/3 = 37000

Direction (6-10) :

6) Answer: b)

From quantity I,

(P*20*18/100) – (P*12*18/100) = 540

P*18*8 = 54000

P = 54000 / (18*8) = Rs. 375

From quantity II,

Difference of SI and CI = 165 – 150 = 15

Diff = Sum*(r/100)2

15 = Sum*(5/100)2

(15*100*100)/25 = Sum

Sum = 6000

From Quantity III,

Profit ratio of A and B = (4000*6 + 3200*6) : (2000*12) = 9 : 5

B’s share = (5/14) * 2800 = Rs. 1000

Quantity I < Quantity II > Quantity III

7) Answer: b)

From quantity I,

Ratio = 7x : 5x : 3x

10*7x + 50*5x + 3x*100 = 6200

620x = 6200


Rs.50 notes = 10*5*50 = Rs. 2500

From quantity II,

Profit = Loss

SP1 – CP = CP – SP2

2540 + 2326 = 2CP

CP = (2540 + 2326)/2 = Rs. 2433

From quantity III,

4*(22/7)*r*r = 61600

r =70 cm

Radius of the circle = (½)*70 = 35 cm

Area of the circle = (22/7)*35*35 = 3850 cm2

Quantity I > Quantity II < Quantity III

8) Answer: c)

From quantity I

4x*(120/100 + 5x*110/100 =103000

4.8x + 5.5x = 103000


X = 10000

Male population = 4*10000*120/100 = 48000

From quantity II,

Selling price of Sofa = 8100*(115/100) = Rs. 9315

Marked price*(90/100) = 9315

Marked price of Sofa = 9315*(100/90) = Rs. 10350

From quantity III,

(P*5*(R+5)/100) – (P*5*R/100) =12000

5PR + 25P – 5PR = 120000

25P = 1200000

P = 48000

SI = 48000*10*10/100 = 48000

Quantity I > Quantity II < Quantity III

9) Answer: c)

From quantity I,

Present age of Ram=7x

Present age of Suresh=8x

Present age of Suresh’s sister=y

Difference = (8x+15) – (7x+15) = 4

X=4 years

Suresh age=8*4=32

After 10 years the age will be=32+10 = 42 years

Suresh’s sister age after 10 years = (2/3)*42 = 28 years

Suresh’s sister age after 7 years = 28 – 3 = 25 years

From quantity II,

X2 – 51y + 650 = 0

(x – 26) (x – 25) = 0

X = 26, 25

From quantity III,

T = D/S

According to the question,

15 = (175 + 100) / [(90 – x)*(5/18)]

15* [(90 – x)*(5/18)] = 275

[(90 – x)*(5/18)] = 275/15

(90 – x) = (275/15)*(18/5)

90 – x = 66

X = 24 km/hr

The speed of the second train = 24 km/hr

Quantity I ≤ Quantity II > Quantity III

10) Answer: e)

From quantity I,

d/(20 – 12) – d/(20 + 12) = 9

d/8 – d/32 = 9

3d/32 = 9

d = 32*3 = 96 km

From quantity II,

200 = (x – 60)*5/18*20

36= (x – 60)

X= 96 kmph

From quantity III,

Let the distance travelled on foot be x km.

Then distance travelled on bicycle= (91 – x) km

Now, (x/6) + ((91 – x)/12) = 9

(2x + 91 – x)/12 = 9

(X + 91)/12 = 9

X + 91 = 108

X = 17 km

Quantity I = Quantity II > Quantity III

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Current Affairs Quiz 9.00 AM
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IBPS SO/NIACL AO Prelims – Reasoning 10.00 AM
IBPS SO/NIACL AO Prelims – Reasoning (Hindi) 10.30 AM
IBPS SO/NIACL AO Prelims – Quantitative Aptitude 11.00 AM
IBPS SO/NIACL AO Prelims – Quantitative Aptitude (Hindi) 11.30 AM
Vocabulary (Based on The Hindu) 12.00 PM
IBPS SO/NIACL AO Prelims – English Language 1.00 PM
SSC Practice Questions (Reasoning/Quantitative aptitude) 2.00 PM
IBPS Clerk – GK Questions 3.00 PM
SSC Practice Questions (English/General Knowledge) 4.00 PM
Daily Current Affairs Updates 5.00 PM
SBI PO/IBPS Clerk Mains – Reasoning 6.00 PM
SBI PO/IBPS Clerk Mains – Quantitative Aptitude 7.00 PM
SBI PO/IBPS Clerk Mains – English Language 8.00 PM

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