Crack SBI PO Mains 2018 – Reasoning Ability (Puzzle) Day-181

Dear Readers, Bank Exam Race for the Year 2018 is already started, To enrich your preparation here we have providing new series of Practice Questions on Reasoning Ability – Puzzle.Candidates those who are preparing for SBI PO Mains 2018 Exams can practice these questions daily and make your preparation effective.

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Direction (1-5): Study following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Seven friends-Shivani, Divya, Pavi, Danisha, Pency, Priya and Ramya are living in a seven floor building. The lowermost floor is numbered one, above it numbered two and so on until the topmost floor is numbered seven. Each of them travel to Taj Mahal in seven different month in the same year, January, February, June, July, September, October and November on seven different days, from Monday to  Sunday.

Divya travelling to Taj Mahal in the months has less than 30 days. Ramya does not travel in January. Pency lives on the floor number two and travel to Taj Mahal in Wednesday. Ramya travels to Taj Mahal in one of the days immediately before Danisha. The one live on the topmost floor does not travel to Taj Mahal in any of the days before Saturday. Only three persons live between the one who is travelling on July and the one who is travelling on September. The one who live on the sixth floor is travelling to Taj Mahal in the month has 31 days. The one who lives on the third floor is travelling on the day immediately after Priya. The one who lives on the sixth floor does not travel on the day immediately before or after Pency. Pavi does not travel one of the days before Divya. The one who live on the topmost floor is travelling to Taj Mahal in the month has 31 days. Only four persons live between the one who travel in November and the one who travel in January. The one who lives on the lowermost floor is travel to Taj Mahal in Saturday.  Danisha does not live on the fifth floor. The one who live on the fifth floor is travelling to Taj Mahal in the month has 31 days. Ramya does not travel to Taj Mahal in any of the days after Pency. Shivani does not travel on Sunday and does not live on the floor number three.

1) Which of the following combination is correct?

a) Pavi-Saturday-1st floor

b) Pency-Wednesday-2nd floor

c) Divya-Friday-4th floor

d) Priya-Thursday-6th floor

e) None of these

2) Which of the following statement is correct?

a) Only three persons live between the one who travel in Tuesday and Pavi

b) Shivani lives on the lowermost floor and travel in November

c) Pavi lives on the topmost floor

d) The one who lives on the floor number four travel to Taj Mahal in Friday

e) None of these

3) How many persons lives between the one who travel in June and the one who travel in Thursday?

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) No one

e) None of these

4) Four of the following five are alike in certain way and thus form a group as per the given arrangement. Which of the following does not belong to that group?

a) January

b) September

c) July

d) November

e) February

5) Who among the following is travelling to Taj Mahal in June?

a) Danisha

b) Priya

c) Ramya

d) Pavi

e) None of these

Direction (6-10): Study following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Six friends Sugan, Sumi, Sharu, Suvi, Subi and Sudha belong to six different cities, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Pune, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them likes different colors, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Pink and Blue, but not necessarily in the same order. They are used three different types of transports, Car, Bus and Train, in such a manner that two persons use the same type of transport but not necessarily in the same order. They use these transport on six different days in the same week, staring from Monday and ending on Saturday.

Sudha uses the same types of transport as the person who belongs to Bangalore. Sharu uses the transport on Wednesday. Sugan uses Car and belongs to Chennai. Only three persons use the transport between Sumi and Sudha. The one who likes Blue uses Car. Sugan uses the transport on one of the days before Sudha. Subi does not use the transport on Saturday. Sugan does not like Orange and Pink. Sharu neither belongs to Pune nor Delhi. The one who likes Green uses Bus. The one who uses Train likes Red. Sumi belongs to Mumbai and likes Green. Sugan does not use the transport on Friday. Subi neither belongs to Kolkata nor Delhi. The one who likes Pink not uses Car. Suvi uses the transport on one of the day before Sharu. The one who likes Orange uses Bus. Sumi uses the transport on one of the day before Sudha. Sharu likes Blue. Sumi does not use the same transport as Suvi.

6) Which of the following combinations is correct?

a) Monday-Sumi-Mumbai

b) Suvi-Tuesday-Bangalore

c) Sudha-Friday-Delhi

d) Sugan-Thursday-Pune

e) None of these

7) Who among the following is belongs to Bangalore?

a) Sudha

b) Suvi

c) Sugan

d) Sharu

e) None of these

8) Sugan is related to Wednesday in a certain way based on the given arrangement. In the same way Sudha is related to Friday. Which of the following days is Sumi related to following the same pattern?

a) Tuesday

b) Thursday

c) Saturday

d) Monday

e) None of these

9) Who among the following using Train?

a) Sudha, Sumi

b) Suvi, Sugan

c) Sudha, Suvi

d) Sharu, Subi

e) None of these

10) Who among the following likes Pink?

a) Sudha

b) Suvi

c) Sugan

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these


Direction (1-5):

  • Only four persons live between the one who travel in November and the one who travel in January.
  • Pency lives on the floor number two and travel to Taj Mahal in Wednesday.
  • The one who lives on the lowermost floor is travel to Taj Mahal in Saturday.
  • The one who live on the topmost floor is travelling to Taj Mahal in the month has 31 days.
  • The one who live on the sixth floor is travelling to Taj Mahal in the month has 31 days.
  • Now we have 2 Cases.

  • The one live on the topmost floor does not travel to Taj Mahal in any of the days before Saturday, hence he travel in Sunday.
  • Only three persons live between the one who is travelling on July and the one who is travelling on September.
  • The one who live on the topmost floor is travelling to Taj Mahal in the month has 31 days.
  • The one who live on the sixth floor is travelling to Taj Mahal in the month has 31 days.
  • The one who live on the fifth floor is travelling to Taj Mahal in the month has 31 days.

  • Divya travelling to Taj Mahal in the months has less than 30 days.
  • Ramya travels to Taj Mahal in one of the days immediately before Danisha.
  • Ramya does not travel to Taj Mahal in any of the days after Pency.
  • From the above condition Ramya travel in Monday
  • Danisha travel in Tuesday.
  • The one who lives on the third floor is travelling on the day immediately after Priya, hence Priya travel in Thursday.
  • The one who lives on the third floor travel in Friday.
  • Now case 1 derived from two cases.

  • Ramya does not travel in January.
  • Danisha does not live on the fifth floor.
  • The one who lives on the sixth floor does not travel on the day immediately before or after Pency.
  • Shivani does not travel on Sunday and does not live on the floor number three.
  • Pavi does not travel to one of the days before Divya.
  • The one who lives on the third floor is travelling on the day immediately after Priya, hence Priya travel in Thursday.
  • From the above condition Case 1(a) and Case 2 was dropped.
  • So the final arrangement is…

1) Answer: e)

2) Answer: c)

3) Answer: d)

4) Answer: d)

5) Answer: a)

Direction (6-10):

  • The one who likes Blue uses Car.
  • Sharu likes Blue.
  • Sharu uses the transport on Wednesday.
  • Suvi uses the transport on one of the day before Sharu.
  • Now we have 2 cases.

  • Only three persons use the transport between Sumi and Sudha.
  • Sumi belongs to Mumbai and likes Green.
  • The one who likes Green uses Bus.
  • Sumi uses the transport on one of the day before Sudha.

  • Sugan uses the transport on one of the days before Sudha.
  • Sugan does not use the transport on Friday.
  • Sugan uses Car and belongs to Chennai.

  • Subi does not use the transport on Saturday.
  • Sharu neither belongs to Pune nor Delhi.
  • Subi neither belongs to Kolkata nor Delhi.
  • Sumi does not use the same transport as Suvi, hence Suvi uses the transport on Train.
  • Sudha uses the same types of transport as the person who belongs to Bangalore, hence Sharu belongs to Kolkata.

  • Sudha uses the same types of transport as the person who belongs to Bangalore.
  • From the above condition Suvi belongs to Bangalore
  • Subi belongs to neither Kolkata nor Delhi.
  • The one who likes Orange uses Bus.

  • Sugan does not like Orange and Pink.
  • The one who uses Train likes Red.
  • The one who likes Pink not uses Car.
  • So the final arrangement is..

6) Answer: e)

7) Answer: b)

8) Answer: d)

9) Answer: c)

10) Answer: d)

Daily Practice Test Schedule | Good Luck

Topic Daily Publishing Time
Daily News Papers & Editorials 8.00 AM
Current Affairs Quiz 9.00 AM
Quantitative Aptitude “20-20” 11.00 AM
Vocabulary (Based on The Hindu) 12.00 PM
General Awareness “20-20” 1.00 PM
English Language “20-20” 2.00 PM
Reasoning Puzzles & Seating 4.00 PM
Daily Current Affairs Updates 5.00 PM
Data Interpretation / Application Sums (Topic Wise) 6.00 PM
Reasoning Ability “20-20” 7.00 PM
English Language (New Pattern Questions) 8.00 PM

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