SBI Clerk Mains Quantitative Aptitude (Day-21)

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Directions (1- 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

In an IT company, there are 6000 employees. Respective ratio of male and female is 7: 5. All the employees distributed in four different team viz., Support, Developing, Testing and Network. 100/7 % of the males work in support team. 16% of the females work in Developing team. Respective ratio of number of males and females work in Developing team is 3: 2. 30% of the males work in Testing and rest of the males work in Network team. Number of females work in Testing is 10/21th of the number of males work in Testing team. 32% of the females work in Support team and rest of the females work in Network team.

1) Find the total number of employees in Network team?

A) 1500

B) 1890

C) 2040

D) 2150

E) None of these

2) Number of females in Developing is what percent more/less than the number of females in Support team?

A) 10% less

B) 30% less

C) 40% less

D) 50% less

E) None of these

3) Find the difference between number of employees in Support and Testing?

A) 150

B) 200

C) 250

D) 300

E) None of these

4) Find the respective ratio of the number of males in Testing and the number of females in Developing.

A) 21: 8

B) 8: 21

C) 3: 7

D) 7: 3

E) None of these

5) Number of males in Developing is what percent of the number of females in Network Team?

A) 50%

B) 75%

C) 60%

D) 80%

E) None of these

Data Sufficiency

Directions (6 – 10): Following questions contain two statements as statement I and statement II. You have to determine which statement/s is/are necessary to answer the question and give answer as,

a)  The data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question

b)The data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question

c)The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question

d)The data given in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question and

e)The data given in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

6) The sum of the present ages of Anu, Bala, Kavin and Dany is 84 years. What is Bala’s present age?

Statement I: The average age of Anu, Bala and Dany is 25 years.

Statement II: The average age of Kavin and Dany is 30 years.

7) What is the value of y?

Statement I: 4y + 3x = 18

Statement II: y – x = 2y – (3 + x)

8) What is the speed of boat in still water?

Statement I: The boat travels at the speed of 3 kmph upstream.

Statement II: The boat travels at the speed of 5 kmph downstream.

9) What is the percent profit earned by selling a bike for Rs.80000?

Statement I: The amount of profit earned on selling the bike was Rs.40000.

Statement II: The selling price of the bike was twice the cost price.

10) Total marks obtained by A, B, C and D in science is 240. How many marks did A secure in science?

Statement I: A secured two-third of the marks of total of B, C and D.

Statement II: Average marks obtained by B and C are 10 more than that secured by D.

Answers :

Directions (1- 5):

Total employees = 6000

Males = 7/12 * 6000 = 3500

Females = 5/12 * 6000 = 2500

Males in Support = 100/7 % of 3500 = 500

Females in Developing = 16% of 2500 = 400

Males in Developing = 400 * 3/2 = 600

Males in Testing = 30% of 3500 = 1050

Remaining males work in Network = 3500 – 500 – 600 – 1050 = 1350

Females in Testing = 10/21 * 1050 = 500

Females in Support = 32% of 2500 = 800

Remaining females work in Network = 2500 – 400 – 500 – 800 = 800

1) Answer: D

Number of employees in Network team = 1350 + 800 = 2150

2) Answer: D

Number of females in Developing = 400

Number of females in Support = 800

Required percentage = (800 – 400)/800 * 100 = 50% less

3) Answer: C

Number of employees in Support = 500 + 800 = 1300

Number of employees in Testing = 1050 + 500 = 1550

Required difference = 1550 – 1300 = 250

4) Answer: A

Number of males in Testing = 1050

Number of females in Developing = 400

Required ratio = 1050: 400 = 21: 8

5) Answer: B

Number of males in Developing = 600

Number of females in Network team = 800

Required percentage = 600/800 * 100 = 75%

Directions (6-10) :

6) Answer: D

Anu + Bala + Kavin + Dany = 84

From I,

Anu + Bala + Dany = 25 * 3 = 75

Kavin = 84 – 75 = 9 years

This statement is not sufficient to answer the question.

From II,

Kavin + Dany = 30 * 2 = 60

From I and II,

Anu + Bala + Dany = 25 * 3 = 75

Kavin = 84 – 75 = 9 years

Kavin + Dany = 30 * 2 = 60

Dany = 60 – 9 = 51 years

This statement is not sufficient to answer the question.

Hence, both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

7) Answer: B

From I,

4y + 3x = 18

=> y = (18 – 3x)/4

This statement is not sufficient to answer the question.

From II,

y – x = 2y – (3 + x)

=> y – x = 2y – 3- x

=> y = 3

This statement is sufficient to answer the question.

Hence, statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

8) Answer: E

Speed of the boat in still water = ½ * (Downstream speed + Upstream speed)

From I,

Upstream speed = 3 kmph

This statement is not sufficient to answer the question.

From II,

Downstream speed = 5 kmph

This statement is not sufficient to answer the question.

From I and II,

Speed in still water = (3 + 5)/2 = 4 kmph

Hence, both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

9) Answer: C

From I,

C.P = S.P – Profit = 40000

Profit % = (S.P – C.P)/C.P * 100

= 40000/40000 * 100 = 100%

This statement is sufficient to answer the question.

From II,

C.P = S.P/2 = 80000/2 = 40000

Profit % = 40000/40000 * 100 = 100%

This statement is sufficient to answer the question.

Hence, statement I alone or statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

10) Answer: A

A + B + C + D = 240

From I,

A = 2/3 * (B + C + D) = 2/3 * (240 – A)

3A = 2 * 240 – 2A

5A = 480

A = 96

This statement is sufficient to answer the question.

From II,

This statement is not sufficient to answer the question.

Hence, statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.

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